Hilarious Overwatch 2 Clip Shows Mauga Ult Going Horribly Wrong


  • Overwatch 2's latest hero, Mauga, has provided players with memorable moments, including one player accidentally ruining their ultimate.
  • In testing Mauga's Cgae Fight ultimate, one player accidentally drags themselves into the well on the Ilios map.
  • Players were given early access to Mauga for a limited time, allowing them to test out the new tank character and have hilarious experiences.

With the newest Overwatch 2 hero, Mauga, being available for a limited time, players have been able to go hands on and create memorable moments such as one player who accidentally ruined their ultimate. It was a busy weekend for Blizzard as the annual BlizzCon 2023 kicked off in Anaheim California and revealed tons of new information for fans of franchises like World of Warcraft and Diablo.

Naturally, Overwatch 2 was a major presence at the show as well with Blizzard revealing loads of new information coming to the game including a competitive rework, new co-op mode, and a look at multiple upcoming heroes. The show also fully revealed Mauga, the newest tank character coming to the game in December alongside the new season. However, Blizzard gave players early access to Mauga for as limited time allowing players to put the new hero to the test, sometimes to hilarious effect.

In testing some of Mauga's capabilities, a TikTok user named iamkephrii posted a hilarious clip of an experiment gone wrong with the tank's ultimate ability. On the Ilios map, players met by the large well near the middle to see where or not Mauga's Cage Fight utlimate ability could potentially drag enemies to the bottom. Using a Mei Ice Wall to navigate over the well, Mauga uses his Cage Fight ultimate to try and attach enemy players as the player backs away to safety. However, once the ice wall breaks, the middle of Mauga's chain falls into the well and instead of taking enemy players with it, Mauga is the one who is quickly dragged to the bottom for an instant kill.

As the shock of what happens hits the Mauga player, laughter is just about the only thing that can be heard in the video, which then extends to the comments as viewers comment on the hilarity of the event. However, others continued to theorize a potential solution, with Kephrii admitting that the Mei Ice Wall was too high and didn't trigger the chains properly resulting in only Mauga getting dragged down. While it does seem plausible to work in an Overwatch 2 match, another comment wondered if Lucio could be used to 'boop' Mauga into the well with the chains active, sending everyone to the bottom.

So far, it seems Mauga is seen as a positive inclusion from the Overwatch 2 community with fans delving into the new tank hero and what he can do. Others have taken the opportunity to learn more about the Samoan inspired hero, translating his lines from the recent Overwatch 2 trailer and uncovering more about his heritage.

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Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is Blizzard's free-to-play team-based first-person shooter. The title features some new heroes like Junker Queen and Sojourn, as well as returning favorites.

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