Bethesda Perfecting a Game-Changing Mechanic In Starfield Has Left Us Wondering Why It Wasn’t Done Sooner

Starfield‘s Shattered Space DLC may not have been the grand slam that Bethesda was hoping for, but amidst the sea of criticism, there’s one aspect of the expansion that’s been turning some heads for all the right reasons: the game’s zero-gravity movement and physics.

Starfield: Shattered Space expansion gameplay screenshot showcasing the zero-gravity mechanics.
One core mechanic the game has absolutely nailed. | Image Credit: Bethesda

While the overall reception to Shattered Space has been lukewarm at best, with many players and critics lamenting the lack of meaningful additions to the base game, it seems that Bethesda has managed to nail one of the most crucial elements of any space-faring adventure.

Defying Gravity, Defining Gameplay

A recent tweet from @JamieMoranUK showcased just how impressive Starfield‘s zero-G movement really is:

The footage shows the player character gracefully navigating through the corridors and chambers of what appears to be a derelict space station, with each movement feeling fluid and natural. Even more impressive is the attention to detail when it comes to the physics of projectile-based weapons, which actually propel the player in the opposite direction when fired.

It’s a small touch, but one that adds an incredible amount of immersion to the experience. As one commenter put it:

Indeed, it’s puzzling why this aspect of Starfield: Shattered Space hasn’t received more praise. In a game that’s all about exploring the vast reaches of space, nailing the feeling of weightlessness and the unique challenges it presents is absolutely crucial.

A Glimmer of Hope in a Troubled Launch?

A screenshot from Starfield: Shattered Space showcases a dark, mysterious, and eerie environment.
Some fans are still holding out hope. | Image Credit: Bethesda

Of course, as impressive as the zero-G movement is, it’s not enough to save Shattered Space from the many criticisms that have been leveled against it. From the repetitive mission structure to the overall lackluster content, there’s no denying that the expansion has failed to live up to the hype or hope.

But for those who have been able to look past these issues and dive into the new content, the zero-gravity gameplay has been a consistent highlight:

One can only imagine how much time and effort went into perfecting this mechanic, which makes it all the more puzzling why it wasn’t a more prominent feature in the base game.

Perhaps it’s a case of Bethesda saving the best for last, or maybe the challenges of implementing such a system on a larger scale proved too daunting. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that the zero-gravity movement in Shattered Space is a standout feature that deserves more recognition.

As Starfield continues to evolve and expand—through mods or otherwise—one can only hope that Bethesda will take the lessons learned from Shattered Space and apply them to future updates and expansions.

If they can build upon the foundation they’ve laid with the game’s core gameplay mechanics and address some of the more glaring issues with the game, perhaps there is still hope that Starfield can live up to its full potential.

In the meantime, we’ll be over here floating through the halls of abandoned spaceships, marveling at the beauty and precision of Bethesda’s zero-gravity masterpiece.

What do you think of Starfield‘s zero-G movement? Is it enough to redeem Shattered Space, or does the expansion still fall flat? Let us know in the comments!

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire
