Introduced on Raiden and Yoimiya's banners, the new Pyro four-star Chevreuse has a lot of support potential. For Genshin Impact fans who are planning to use her, she can be as good as Kazuha is (in general) in her niche Overloaded teams. Her constellations make her better, similar to how other niche supports, like Genshin Impact's Kujou Sara, Gorou, or Faruzan get better at higher constellations, but she is usable at C0.
Her biggest buffs will come from her two ascension passives and her sixth constellation. Her first ascension passive will only work if everyone in the team is Pyro and Electro, so long as there is a minimum of one of each. It grants a total of 40% Pyro and Electro RES shred on enemies who have been hit with Overloaded. Her second grants up to a 40% ATK buff to party members when her HP is at a max of 40,000 after firing an Overcharged Ball (obtained from holding her skill or bursting.) Finally, her C6 grants up to 60% Pyro/Electro DMG bonus when the active character is being healed by Chevreuse.
Although she can be made a DPS, Chevreuse is at her best when supporting her teammates in an Overloaded team comp. If going the DPS route with her, the basics will be what players are looking for: ATK, Crit Rate and DMG, Pyro DMG, and ER if needed. But when building her as a support, she'll want triple HP on her main stats to get her as close to 40k HP as players can manage, similar to other Genshin Impact Fontaine units which scale off HP. Some of the only other stats she'll need in addition to high HP are:
There are a good number of polearms that Chevreuse can make good use out of. If players are going for a damage-focused build, anything with ATK or Crit stats should be fine for her. Something like the ever-versatile Staff of Homa will suit her well. But for support-focused players, Chevreuse's options will be restricted to those that grant ER or HP bonuses. Some good examples are:
Due to her ascension buffs only counting for Electro or Pyro units, it can be understandable to think that Chevreuse's best team comps are tight. She does have strict requirements for her buffs after all. However, there are plenty of Pyro and Electro hypercarries that could use her just fine. Instead of viewing those limitations as hard to follow, looking at them as a gateway to discovering new team possibilities and the potential for fun is a healthier gaming mindset. This is not to say she has no meta teammates available, though, as these include:
Since she does follow the same pattern as previous supports like Genshin Impact's Faruzan, the need to get her C6 can be a scary hurdle to get over - especially when players consider the gacha system guarantees a four-star every ten-pull, but not that it'll be a rate-up four-star. However, if players were lucky enough to get any of her constellations, here are some of her best ones: