Tracker Fortnite: Unraveling the Mysterious World of Bugs in Fortnite's Save the World


  • The Trello board for Fortnite's community issues in Save the World mode is receiving criticism for only acknowledging four top issues, leaving players feeling disappointed and questioning its legitimacy.
  • Players speculate that the term "known issues" on the Trello board may actually mean "issues we think we can fix easily," suggesting that the board only showcases problems that developers deem as fixable with minimal effort.
  • Some players believe that the Trello board prioritizes bigger issues, neglecting smaller ones, leading to frustration and a sense of hopelessness among the player community.

Is the Trello board for Fortnite's community issues legit and are they only acknowledging four top issues for Save the World? Let's dive into the details and see what the players have to say about it.


According to the post, there seems to be a discrepancy between the Trello board and the subreddit's claim of being "developer supported." It's like ordering a pizza with extra cheese and receiving barely a sprinkle. Disappointing, to say the least.

But wait, there's more! The comments are pouring in with their own take on the situation. One player suggests that the term "known issues" should be interpreted as "issues we think we can fix easily." Ah, the plot thickens.

Now, let's explore the possible solutions to this perplexing question. Brace yourselves, because we're about to embark on a journey through the minds of the players.

The first player suggests that u/archer_uwu has created a comprehensive document listing all the bugs in Save the World. It's like a bug encyclopedia, but without the charming illustrations. According to this player, there are definitely more than just four bugs haunting the game. So, perhaps the Trello board is only showcasing the issues that the developers deem as fixable with a snap of their fingers. It's like they're saying, "Hey, we know this is broken, but don't worry, we'll fix it in a jiffy!

Another player laments the presence of u/FreightTrainUSA on the STW bug tracker. It's as if seeing their name there breaks their heart, like a tragic love story unfolding in the world of bugs. But hey, at least it shows that the developers are aware of the issues, right? Well, not so fast. Some players believe that the Trello board only highlights the bigger issues, leaving the smaller ones like floating grass to float in oblivion. It's like they're saying, "We'll fix the big stuff, but the smaller issues? Eh, they can wait.

And then there's the player who has lost all hope. They've witnessed problems sitting on the Trello board for eternity, like a forgotten relic of the past. It's like waiting for your crush to text you back, only to realize that they've moved on and you're still stuck in the past. This player warns us not to let the Trello board give us any false hope. It's a harsh reality, but sometimes we just have to accept that not all issues will be addressed.

So, there you have it. The players have spoken, shedding light on the possible explanations for the limited acknowledgment of issues on the Trello board. Whether it's a matter of prioritization or simply the tip of the iceberg, we may never know. But one thing's for sure _ the world of bugs in Fortnite's Save the World mode is a complex and mysterious place.

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