Fortnite Players Highlight Mobility Changes in Chapter 5


  • Fortnite Chapter 5 introduces changes to movement mechanics, including adjustments to player mobility and animations.
  • Comparison videos show that characters in the old version move faster than in the Chapter 5 iteration, especially when crouching.
  • Epic Games may address the movement speed in a future update, potentially influencing player strategies and gameplay.

Epic Games has adjusted Fortnite mobility with Chapter 5, and players have made clips highlighting the differences. Fortnite mobility has changed significantly since the battle royale was released, and Chapter 5 is no exception.

Despite Fortnite being popular ever since Chapter 1, Epic Games has made many changes to it. The Fortnite OG Big Bang event introduced Chapter 5, which included many new elements. Chapter 5 features car customization, match quests, bosses carrying medallions, and more. Among the adjustments made was with player mobility. Sprinting and mantling were added in Chapter 3, while Chapter 5 has made some alterations to both. Fans have noticed that their characters aren't moving quite as fast as they were before Chapter 5, with some making videos to highlight the differences.

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Reddit users Thecoolgamer60 and Phr00t_ are among many Fortnite fans illustrating the changes to Chapter 5's movement mechanics. Each video features a wooden bridge with a wall at the end. In the first clip, the player walks to the wall, with the former base speed beating the new one to the finish line. The next video shows the player crouching rather than walking. Just like the first clip, this player reaches the end of their build in the old version of crouching before the Fortnite Chapter 5 iteration. Although the walk animation has a notably different speed, the movement nerfs are most noticeable in the crouching comparison.

These comparison videos were made in Fortnite Creative where players can still access the old movement type. The walking, strafing, and sprint speeds have only been reduced slightly, resulting in fewer players feeling the difference in battle royale. Beyond the changing pace of these movement mechanics, the animations have also been adjusted. While the old movement is faster than Chapter 5, the characters are more emotive. Before the latest update, the characters appeared more stiff, while the Chapter 5 alterations make them more reactive with each step. According to one Reddit user, the camera following a character has also been adjusted, which may add to how players perceive their mobility.

Because Epic Games has addressed the Fortnite Chapter 5 movement already, a future update may improve the speed. As the battle royale continues to be updated, this change could happen during this season, or it may be left for the next one. Given that a match can be influenced by how fast players can move, Chapter 5 may have affected how some fans play the game.


Fortnite is a massively popular game that has several modes, the most famous of which is the online battle royale mode. In this mode, players collect items, build structures, and battle it out to be the ultimate victor.

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Epic Games
July 25, 2017
Epic Games