One of the burning questions that many Fortnite players have been pondering is whether playing with fill counts as play with others. In this guide, we will delve into the possible solutions to this question, providing you with insights and strategies to enhance your multiplayer gaming experience.
One option that players have tried is selecting the yellow Play With Others (PWO) specifically, a mind-numbing 1000 times. This method involves heading over to Stonewood and choosing missions ranked 1-3. To ensure victory, throw down a Thora BASE, a powerful defensive structure that will protect you from harm. The best part? It won't cost you much material, as you can scrounge up enough at the objective site itself. By completing this mission, you'll not only earn the exploration badge and survivors but also find that half the mission time has flown by. Even if you end up being paired with players who may not be the most skilled, victory will still be yours, and progress will be made.
Another solution that has been suggested is to specifically select the Play With Others missions. This method guarantees that you are matched with other players who have also chosen to play with others. While this may seem like a no-brainer, it's important to note that sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. By opting for this route, you can rest assured that you won't be stuck with players who are simply filling the gaps, but rather with individuals who are actively seeking to play with others. This increases the chances of finding teammates who are willing to contribute and help you achieve your mission objectives.
So, while playing with fill may provide some assistance from other players, it doesn't necessarily count as playing with others in the true sense. If you're looking for a more reliable and fulfilling multiplayer experience, it's best to go for the yellow PWO missions or specifically select the Play With Others option. Either way, you'll increase your chances of finding teammates who are willing to lend a hand, making your Fortnite adventures all the more enjoyable. Happy gaming!
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