Diablo 4 Controversy: Cellars in Helltide and the Cinder Conundrum


  • The Diablo 4 community is embroiled in heated debates over whether cellars in the Helltide should drop cinders, adding to the anticipation and excitement surrounding the highly anticipated game.
  • Proposed solutions include making legion events always occur in the Helltide zones, introducing whispers as an objective during the event, and having strongholds drop cinders regardless of completion, each bringing unique benefits and considerations to the gameplay.
  • Players are eagerly seeking a fair and rewarding resolution to the controversy, as the release of Diablo 4 approaches and the desire for a captivating and challenging game continues to grow.

The Diablo 4 community is ablaze with heated debates surrounding the controversial topic of whether cellars in the Helltide should drop cinders. As players eagerly await the release of the highly anticipated game, let us delve into some of the proposed solutions that have emerged from the passionate discussions.


One suggestion that has gained traction is to make the legion events always occur in the Helltide zones. This would create an immersive experience, plunging players into the heart of chaos and danger. By constantly being surrounded by the Helltide's malevolence, players would not only feel the intensity of the game, but it would also provide a consistent source of cinders, making it easier for them to collect these valuable resources.

Another intriguing proposal is to introduce whispers as an objective during the Helltide event. Whispers, formidable enemies that require teamwork to overcome, would add an exhilarating element to the gameplay. Players would have a clear goal to work towards amidst the relentless onslaught of enemies. This would not only inject excitement into the game but also ensure that players are constantly engaged in the pursuit of victory.

To address the issue of missed opportunities, some players have suggested that strongholds should drop cinders regardless of whether they have been completed. This would grant players an additional chance to collect cinders, particularly for those who may have missed out on completing the stronghold. By providing an alternate avenue for resource acquisition, this solution would level the playing field and ensure that all players have a fair opportunity to progress in the game.

These proposed solutions are just a glimpse into the passionate discussions surrounding the controversy of cellars in the Helltide dropping cinders in Diablo 4. Each suggestion brings its own unique benefits and considerations, leaving the ultimate decision in the hands of the developers. However, one thing is certain - players are fervently seeking a fair and rewarding resolution to this contentious issue. As the release of Diablo 4 draws nearer, the anticipation and excitement continue to build, fueling the desire for a game that will captivate and challenge players in equal measure.

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