Destiny: The Game of Loot Galore - Conquer Destiny 2 with these Hilarious Tips!


  • The world of Destiny 2 welcomes new players with open arms, offering generous gear and rewards from the very beginning.
  • Seasoned raiders will find it even easier to jump into raiding in Destiny 2, with a wide variety of good gear and activities to choose from.
  • Whether you're a newbie or a veteran, Destiny 2 has something for everyone, with a low entry barrier, plentiful gear, and exciting rewards waiting to be claimed.

Are you worried about the entry barrier for Destiny 2? Well, fear not, fellow Guardian! The world of Destiny 2 is waiting for you with open arms, and the entry barrier is not as daunting as it may seem. In fact, it's quite the opposite - the game is incredibly generous when it comes to gear and rewards.


From the moment you step foot into the game, you'll find yourself surrounded by a sea of shiny loot. Within just a few hours of gameplay, you'll have a collection of gear that would make even the most seasoned Guardian jealous. And if that's not enough, there are also a plethora of free exotic quests waiting for you to embark on, offering powerful weapons and armor to help you on your journey.

Now, if you have your sights set on the thrilling raids that Destiny 2 has to offer, it's recommended to gear up a bit before diving in headfirst. While some raids require a power level of 1600, it's not all about the gear itself. The most challenging part of raiding or tackling dungeons is learning the mechanics and finding a patient Sherpa or group who can guide you through the challenges.

But fear not, seasoned raider! If you were a frequent raider in Destiny 1, you'll find it even easier to jump into raiding in Destiny 2. The game offers a wide variety of good gear, allowing you to experiment with different weapons and exotics to maximize your damage output. There are plenty of activities that provide great weapons for raids, so you can choose something you enjoy and hunt for the gear you need. Just be prepared for the notorious RNG (random number generator) to throw a wrench in your plans!

When it comes to armor, you don't necessarily need super high stats to raid successfully. However, it's worth noting that Resilience is currently the best stat to focus on, and your mods can make a significant difference. So, keep that in mind while building your Guardian's loadout.

Here's a fun fact: you could technically complete the tutorial mission and then jump straight into a raid. Sure, it would be a challenge, but it's not impossible. Plus, getting max stat gear isn't a requirement either. You can always infuse your old max stat items whenever the maximum power level increases (which doesn't happen too often). And if you're worried about exotic gear, don't be! Legendary lost sectors offer a 25% chance at a new exotic gear piece with each run. And let's not forget about Xür, who graces us with his presence every weekend, offering a selection of year 1 and 2 exotics.

So, whether you're a new Guardian just starting your journey or a seasoned raider looking for new challenges, Destiny 2 has something for everyone. The entry barrier is low, the gear is plentiful, and the rewards are waiting to be claimed. Dive in and see for yourself - there's still plenty of fun to be had in the world of Destiny 2!

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