Destiny Item Manager Destiny 2: Overcoming Glitched Guns and Confusion


  • Discover the mystery behind a glitched gun in Destiny 2 and find a solution to ensure you don't lose this coveted weapon.
  • Explore the Tower and exotic missions to potentially acquire a new version of the glitched gun and avoid the need to dismantle it.
  • Verify the true origin of the glitched gun and dismantle it if necessary, ensuring you can obtain a fresh one from the appropriate raid.

Are you feeling perplexed by a mysterious glitched gun that has appeared in your Destiny 2 inventory? Fear not, fellow Guardian, for we are here to unravel the enigma and provide you with a solution! Let's delve into the details and embark on a quest to resolve this perplexing issue.


Picture this: you've recently returned to the world of Destiny 2, ready to conquer new challenges and vanquish formidable foes. However, amidst your adventures, you come across a peculiar weapon that seems to have materialized from the depths of Destiny 1. It was bestowed upon you as an exotic reward from a vendor in the Prison of Elders. Yet, you find yourself facing a dilemma - this enigmatic gun cannot be stored in your vault, upgraded, or even clicked on for further details. To add to the confusion, Destiny 2 claims this weapon to be a raid item. Now, you're left scratching your head, desperately seeking guidance to avoid the dire fate of dismantling it.

But fret not, brave Guardian, for we have some possible solutions to aid you in this bewildering predicament. Let us embark on a quest of knowledge and unravel the mysteries that surround this glitched gun.

Our first solution takes us to the heart of the Tower, where the Exotic Monument stands tall. It is possible that you acquired this peculiar weapon from the monument itself. Make your way to the Tower, seek out the Exotic Monument, and peruse its offerings. If the glitched gun is indeed available for purchase, you can safely dismantle the glitched version and acquire a pristine one from the monument.

If the Exotic Monument fails to provide a solution, fear not, for our second solution lies within the realm of exotic missions. It is plausible that this glitched gun is tied to an exotic mission that can no longer be completed. In this unfortunate circumstance, dismantling the glitched weapon may be the only viable option. However, do not despair, for you can still obtain a new version of the weapon from the Monuments to Lost Light, ensuring that you will not permanently lose this coveted piece of armament.

Lastly, it is crucial to verify the true origin of this glitched gun. While you may believe it hails from the Prison of Elders in Destiny 1, the comments and whispers from fellow Guardians suggest that it is, in fact, a relic from the Leviathan Raid in Destiny 2. Take a moment to verify the source of this enigmatic weapon. If it indeed originated from the Leviathan Raid, it is possible that the associated quest has been vaulted. In such a case, you can safely dismantle the glitched version and obtain a fresh one from the appropriate raid.

Remember, dear Guardians, glitches may occasionally plague our adventures, but with a keen eye for investigation and a strategic approach to dismantling, you can overcome any confusion and continue your journey through the vast world of Destiny 2. May your hunts be fruitful, your loot plentiful, and your glitches swiftly resolved. Stay strong, for the light of knowledge shall guide you!

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