Introducing the "Mighty Titan's Gauntlet," a game-changing exotic that will take your titan's powered melee attacks to a whole new level of devastation. If you're looking to add some serious punch to your gameplay, then look no further. This exotic is all about stacking up damage resistance and unleashing devastating melee kills, making you an unstoppable force in PvE.
Let's dive into the mechanics and perks of this incredible exotic. Firstly, we have the Powered Melee hits that build up stacks of damage resistance. Each hit adds a stack ranging from 1% to 3%. It's a simple concept, but it's where things start to get interesting. Powered melee kills grant a flat 3% increase, but hold your swords and glaives, because this doesn't apply to them. We're talking about regular powered melee kills here, not supers or multi-melee kills.
But the excitement doesn't end there. Melee hits also contribute to the damage resistance stacks, starting at 1% and increasing to 2% when you already have over 10% damage resistance. And if you manage to reach an impressive 25% damage resistance, your melee hits can even grant a 3% boost. It's like a power-up for your punches!
Now, let's talk about the duration of these stacks. Normally, they last for a solid 10 seconds, but if you manage to reach 35% damage resistance and continue getting Powered Melee kills, the timer extends to a glorious 15 seconds. However, there's a catch. If you're at 35% damage resistance and don't get any kills, the stacks drop to 15% and the timer reverts back to 10 seconds. So, if you want that extra time, you better keep those kills coming!
It's important to note that this exotic is specifically designed to benefit arc and solar subclasses in PvE. Stasis and Strand won't benefit from it at all, as it requires Powered melee attacks to keep the damage resistance going. The goal here is to make these subclasses more fun and melee-focused, while still keeping things challenging.
So, if you've been searching for a way to spice up your solar titan gameplay in high-level activities like Grandmaster difficulty, the Mighty Titan's Gauntlet is the answer you've been looking for. Imagine combining the power of roaring flames and synthoceps to unleash devastating melee combos and deal massive damage. It's all about finding those risky, fun strategies that make the game truly exhilarating.
With the Mighty Titan's Gauntlet, you'll become an unstoppable force on the battlefield. So, gear up, guardians, and get ready to unleash the power of your punches like never before!
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