Destiny 2 Publisher's Guide: Who Had the Pyramid Fleet on Their 2024 Bingo Card?


  • Destiny 2's pyramid fleet in 2024 has taken players by surprise, leaving them wondering who could have predicted this epic twist in the game's storyline.
  • Players who had the pyramid fleet on their bingo card can be classified as prophetic, lucky gamblers, expert analysts, or wild guessers, each with their own unique approach to predicting the game's future.
  • Regardless of how players predicted the pyramid fleet's arrival, Destiny 2 continues to captivate with its ever-evolving universe and thrilling surprises, making it a must-play for all Guardians.

So, you're playing Destiny 2 and suddenly, *Destiny music intensifies*, you come face to face with a pyramid fleet in the year 2024. Who saw that coming? And more importantly, who had it on their bingo card?


Now, before we dive into the thrilling world of pyramid fleets and interstellar battles, let's address a pressing matter. Apparently, science is still stuck in season 3. I mean, come on guys, get with the program! We've got pyramid fleets to deal with here, no time for outdated science experiments. But hey, who am I to judge? Maybe they're just trying to figure out how to get 18 Kelvin's. Good luck with that, scientists!

In this article, we will explore the various possible solutions to the question of who had the pyramid fleet on their 2024 bingo card in Destiny 2. Buckle up, Guardians, because we're about to dive into the thrilling world of interstellar battles and pyramid fleets!

Solution 1: The Prophetic Player

Some players possess an uncanny ability to predict future events in the Destiny universe. These clairvoyant Guardians probably had the pyramid fleet on their bingo card way before it even became a thing. They're like the Nostradamus of the gaming world, always one step ahead of the rest of us mere mortals. So, if you happen to be one of these prophetic players, congratulations! You can proudly cross off the pyramid fleet on your 2024 bingo card and bask in the glory of your foresight.

Solution 2: The Lucky Gambler

Now, let's talk about the Guardians who rely purely on luck. These are the players who throw caution to the wind and trust in the whims of fate. They probably had a whole bunch of random predictions on their bingo card, including things like "space unicorns" and "alien dance parties." And lo and behold, the pyramid fleet showed up! It's as if luck was on their side, guiding their bingo card choices. So, if you're one of these lucky gamblers, consider yourself blessed by the gaming gods.

Solution 3: The Expert Analyst

Some players are just incredibly knowledgeable about the Destiny universe. They spend hours studying lore, dissecting trailers, and analyzing every bit of information available. These expert analysts had a hunch that the pyramid fleet would make an appearance in 2024 and placed their bets accordingly. They're the ones who can spot subtle hints and foreshadowing, giving them a leg up in the bingo game. So, if you're an expert analyst, pat yourself on the back for your keen eye and profound understanding of the game's lore.

Solution 4: The Wild Guessers

Last but not least, we have the wild guessers. These players have no rhyme or reason to their bingo card choices. They simply close their eyes, point randomly at a list of possibilities, and hope for the best. And sometimes, just sometimes, their wild guesses turn out to be spot on. It's like they have a sixth sense for the unexpected. So, if you're one of these wild guessers, embrace your unpredictable nature and revel in the fact that you got the pyramid fleet on your bingo card without even trying.

In conclusion, Destiny 2 never fails to surprise us with its epic twists and turns. Whether you predicted the pyramid fleet's arrival with uncanny accuracy, relied on sheer luck, analyzed every bit of lore, or simply took a wild guess, one thing is for sure - the Destiny universe is an ever-evolving and thrilling place to be. So, keep playing, Guardians, and may your bingo cards be forever filled with unexpected surprises!

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