Destiny 2 Dungeon Report: Unraveling the Class Identification Mystery


  • Uncover the truth of which class dropped a dungeon exotic weapon in Destiny 2 with the help of these clever tricks and strategies.
  • From inspecting your gear to utilizing your memory and seeking the wisdom of the Destiny 2 community, there are various ways to solve this enigma.
  • Don't give up, keep exploring the depths of the dungeon and soon enough, the mystery will be unraveled. Happy hunting, fellow Guardians!

Hey there, fellow Guardians! Are you as curious as I am about figuring out which class you dropped a dungeon exotic weapon with in Destiny 2? Well, fear not, because I'm here to guide you through this perplexing mystery. So, let's dive right into the depths of the dungeon and uncover the truth!


Now, before we embark on this quest for knowledge, let's address the elephant in the room. Unfortunately, the website, which is usually our go-to for all things dungeon-related, doesn't provide us with this particular information. Bummer, right? But don't despair just yet, my friends, for I have a few tricks up my sleeve to help you solve this enigma.

Firstly, let's explore the solution of gear inspection. One way to determine which class dropped a dungeon exotic weapon is by inspecting your gear. Take a closer look at the armor and weapons you have equipped on each of your characters. If you happen to find a dungeon-specific piece of gear, it's a good indicator that your drop came from that particular class. Keep in mind that this method isn't foolproof, as you may have transferred gear between characters, but it's a decent starting point.

Secondly, for the meticulous Guardians out there, we have the process of elimination. If you keep track of your loot, you can try using this method. Go through your inventory and compare it to the known dungeon exotics for each class. By ruling out the ones you already have, you can narrow down the possibilities and eventually identify the class that dropped the elusive weapon. It might take some time and spreadsheet skills, but hey, who said being a Guardian was easy?

Next, let's tap into the power of our memory. Sometimes, our memory can surprise us with its uncanny ability to recall important details. Take a moment to think back to when you completed the dungeon and received the exotic drop. Try to remember which character you were playing as at that time. If you have a vivid memory of the moment, you might just be able to connect the dots and determine the class responsible for the drop. Just be careful not to mix up your memories with that time you accidentally dismantled your favorite weapon. We've all been there, Guardian.

Lastly, when all else fails, seek the wisdom of your fellow Guardians. Turn to the collective knowledge of the Destiny 2 community. Visit forums, Reddit threads, or even the official Destiny 2 Discord server and ask for insights or strategies for identifying the class of a dungeon exotic drop. You'll be surprised at how helpful and knowledgeable the community can be. Plus, you might make some new Guardian friends along the way. It's a win-win situation!

So, my fellow Guardians, while the website may not provide us with the specific class information for exotic drops, there are still ways to unravel this mystery. Whether you rely on gear inspection, the process of elimination, your memory, or the guidance of your fellow Guardians, don't give up. Keep exploring the depths of the dungeon, and soon enough, the truth will be revealed. Happy hunting!

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