Awoken Mementos Destiny 2: Unleash the Power of Wishender


  • Embark on a daring adventure in the Shattered Throne dungeon to acquire the powerful exotic bow known as Wishender by trading in your hard-earned Awoken Mementos at the Statue of Sjur Eido.
  • While there are no special dance moves associated with the Awoken Mementos, the desire for Wishender is not unfounded as it is a true beast of a weapon capable of dealing devastating damage to your foes.
  • Hold onto that Awoken Mementos and gather a fireteam of fellow Guardians to conquer the Wishender quest together, becoming an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

So, you find yourself in possession of the coveted Awoken Mementos exotic in your kinetic weapons inventory. But what exactly can you do with this enigmatic item? Fear not, fellow Guardian, for I am here to guide you on a mystical journey and reveal the true destiny of the Awoken Mementos!


One possible path you can take with the Awoken Mementos exotic is embarking on the Wishender quest. This quest leads to the acquisition of the powerful exotic bow known as Wishender. To begin this daring adventure, you must venture into the treacherous realm of the Shattered Throne dungeon. Within its depths, you will face three secret minibosses that must be vanquished. Once you have proven your worth, make your way to the Statue of Sjur Eido in the Shattered Throne, after the Ogre encounter. Here, you can trade in your hard-earned Awoken Mementos for the glorious Wishender. But be warned, Guardian, the Shattered Throne is not for the faint of heart. Prepare yourself for a challenge like no other!

Now, you may be wondering if there is a secret dance involved in obtaining the Wishender. Unfortunately, I must disappoint you. There are no special dance moves associated with the Awoken Mementos. So, no need to head to Rahool's place or perform any acrobatics. Sometimes reality doesn't match our wildest imaginations, and this is one of those times.

However, let me assure you that the desire for Wishender is not unfounded. This bow is a true beast of a weapon, capable of dealing devastating damage to your foes. Even if you don't realize it yet, you absolutely want Wishender in your arsenal. My advice would be to hold onto that Awoken Mementos and gather a fireteam of fellow Guardians to conquer the Wishender quest together. With the power of friendship and a kickass bow, you will become an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

In conclusion, the Awoken Mementos exotic holds the key to obtaining the mighty Wishender. Embark on the thrilling Wishender quest, conquer the challenges of the Shattered Throne, and claim your well-deserved prize. So, Guardian, do not even think about dismantling that Awoken Mementos just yet. Destiny awaits, and it's time for you to rise to the challenge!

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