Word before “practitioner” or “shark” Crossword Clue

We have the 5-letter answer for Word before "practitioner" or "shark" crossword clue, last seen in the USA Today Crossword January 9, 2025 puzzle. Let us help you solve the crossword clue that has you stumped so you can finish the puzzle.

Word before "practitioner" or "shark" Crossword Answer

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Helpful Hints

  • (noun)
    1. a woman who is the custodian of children
    2. one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
  • (verb)
    1. give suck to
    2. maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)
    1. someone who practices a learned profession
  • SHARK (noun)
    1. any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales
    2. a person who is ruthless and greedy and dishonest
  • SHARK (verb)
    1. hunt shark
    2. play the shark; act with trickery

Unscramble the letters below to solve for today's answer.

More USA Today Crossword (1/9/2025) Answers



Word before "practitioner" or "shark" Crossword Clue Q&A

  1. When was Word before "practitioner" or "shark" crossword clue used most recently?
  2. What was the most recent answer for Word before "practitioner" or "shark" crossword clue?
    • The most recent answer for the clue is NURSE
  3. What is the 5-letter answer for Word before "practitioner" or "shark" crossword clue?
    • NURSE

That should be all the information you need to solve for the Word before “practitioner” or “shark” crossword clue! Be sure to check more clues on our Crossword Answers.

The post Word before “practitioner” or “shark” Crossword Clue appeared first on Try Hard Guides.
