Every SMG In Counter-Strike 2, Ranked


  • SMGs in Counter-Strike 2 offer fast-paced gameplay in close-quarters and mid-range combat, making them optimal for eco rounds.
  • The MP5-SD is suitable for ambushes and stealth gameplay, but the MP7 is a more practical choice for close-quarters combat.
  • The UMP-45 has the highest base damage among SMGs, but its range is limited, making it less effective against long-ranged targets.

As with other FPS titles, the SMG in Counter-Strike 2 emphasizes fast-paced plays in both close-quarters and mid-ranged combat. Compared to the heavy-hitting but expensive Assault Rifle, the much cheaper SMG is an optimal choice for eco rounds as it balances weaker firepower with light and compact builds that are easier to bring in surprise engagements. However, the SMG isn’t to be underestimated for its lower base damage, especially when the right aim at the right distance can help players quickly score kills.

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For Counter-Strike 2 players who love engagements that allow them to take the fight to both short and mid-range may want to consider giving the SMG a shot. However, the game’s many SMG options mean there’s a weapon that suits a particular playstyle, especially in the fast-paced shooter.

7 MP5-SD

Suppressor Not Worthwhile For Close-Ranged Fights

Price/Kill Award $1500/$600
Damage/Armor Penetration 27/62.5%
Magazine Size/Reserve 30/120
RPM/Recoil 750/16

Unlike its MP7 sibling, the MP5-SD boasts a suppressor that, when accompanied by its higher walking speed, can make it suitable for ambushes in Counter-Strike 2 gameplay. Its faster reload means players can reliably take cover and reenter combat much faster than anticipated.

However, stats-wise, the MP7 remains a more practical weapon because using it at close quarters won't let players engage in stealth anyway. This difference in practicality is especially apparent when comparing the MP5-SD to the slightly more expensive PP-Bizon, as the similar RPM and damage numbers will still have the Bizon outclass the MP5 in terms of consistency, courtesy of its mag size.

General Tactics

The lower damage output may transform the MP5-SD into a more inferior choice than the MP7, which means this weapon is best used in maps that facilitate many corners that enemies won't always be able to cover. Its suppressor heavily encourages slow pushes, which makes the MP5-SD ideal for players who prefer to lurk or flank, or stay put in corners to ambush would-be flankers.

6 PP-19 Bizon

Affordable, Therefore A Bit Unreliable

PP-19 Bizon
Price/Kill Award $1400/$600
Damage/Armor Penetration 27/63%
Magazine Size/Reserve 64/120
RPM/Recoil 750/18

The highlight of the PP-19 Bizon is easily its magazine size, as it is the highest among SMGs and most other guns in the game. While affordable and has a manageable firing rate and recoil, the Bizon's low damage and penetration and overall unreliability at range can make it quite an underperformer when it comes to SMGs.

The best use case for the Bizon is usually to recover from eco rounds, as it can theoretically tear through opponents at close range with ease with the right aim and spread. This is especially the case for its decent Kill Award versus its pricing, practically recovering the amount spent provided players kill at least two other players.

General Tactics

Should players have no choice but to use the Bizon, they should capitalize on the weapon's low recoil, high movement accuracy, and faster walk speed to be able to run and gun past opponents. Even then, the weapon heavily relies on a player's aiming game, as the Bizon only fulfills its role properly with its guaranteed headshots as well as pre-firing at predicted enemy positions.

5 UMP-45

Highest Base Damage Burdened With Unreliable Range

UMP 45
Price/Kill Award $1200/$600
Damage/Armor Penetration 35/65%
Magazine Size/Reserve 25/100
RPM/Recoil 666.67/23

Previously a performer in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gameplay, the UMP-45 received several nerfs that made it underperform compared to its other SMG counterparts in most CS2 areas. At its core, the UMP-45 being an affordable gun can still give players wiggle room to purchase accessories such as grenades that could offset overall damage disadvantages.

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Despite its debuffs, the UMP-45 maintains its status as the SMG with the highest base damage. While the weapon still comes with a mediocre range and a reload speed slower than other Rifles, the UMP-45 has decent armor penetration that can make it a pain to deal with if its users are more calculated shooters.

General Tactics

The relatively poor range of the UMP-45 means it's highly unadvisable against long-ranged targets with Rifles and Sniper Rifles. However, players who want to get the hang of the UMP-45 should consider controlling its mid-range spread with a "cross" pattern, starting from the head going down-left to one arm and then right-down close to the waist. When done correctly, the UMP should be able to score multiple hits without risking damage drop-off.

4 MP7

The Middle Ground Of SMG Users Shines When Controlling Recoil Pattern

MP7 in CS2
Price/Kill Award $1500/$600
Damage/Armor Penetration 29/62.5%
Magazine Size/Reserve 30/120
RPM/Recoil 750/16

Due to its stats, the MP7 maintains its status as the more practical choice among MP-line SMGs before the MP9. Its higher damage makes it more efficient to face armored foes, especially with its ability to score kills at two headshots. Its strengths are tied to the MP5-SD, although this time the MP7 boasts higher recoil, firing rate, and spread, making it an ideal weapon for fast and loose engagements.

Since the MP7 already specializes in spray-firing at multiple foes, a punchier sidearm like the Desert Eagle can be a reliable backup to finish off opponents or during risky reloads. Key to the MP7’s performance is knowing how to control its recoil, as understanding its pattern can enable players to score headshot frags, especially if they can out-aim opponents.

General Tactics

The MP7's more controllable firing rate can make it a weaker Rifle with multiple firing "modes" depending on how players shoot. Players should capitalize on spray-firing foes at close range to secure multiple body shots while bursting at medium range guarantees recoil control. Lastly, tap-firing at long distances should pave the way for first-shot accuracy, except when fighting against AWPs that guarantee kills above leg shots.

3 P90

Controllable Recoil And Accuracy Encourages Fast Pushes, Ambushes

P90 in CS2
Price/Kill Award $2350/$300
Damage/Armor Penetration 26/69%
Magazine Size/Reserve 50/100
RPM/Recoil 857.14/16

Despite its expensive and heavier nature, the P90 does boast decent recoil and accuracy even when spraying, which makes it an ideal weapon for fast pushes in Counter-Strike gameplay. While its low damage renders it unable to one-tap with headshots, its high armor penetration and decent magazine size can help it tear through foes with relative ease if they can shoot long enough.

Compared to other SMGs, the P90’s respectable recoil makes it capable of contending with foes at medium range. However, its lower damage output means the P90 isn’t capable of emergency engagements at long range, forcing players to maintain its usage as a close-to-mid-range weapon.

General Tactics

The P90 boasts decent enough movement accuracy that spray-firing past doorways and corridors may be a way of fragging unsuspecting foes. With enough assistance, an adequately timed flashbang or smoke grenade should allow a P90 user to zoom in for the kill. The weapon is also ideal against enemies using weapons with lower magazine sizes, as the P90 will likely outgun them in terms of bullet capacity. Carrying either a heavy-hitting Pistol like the Deagle or a straightforward Glock is a must, especially since the P90 has a long reload time.

2 MAC-10

Respectable Damage, Firing Rate Held Back By Limited Mag Size

MAC 10
Price/Kill Award $1050/$600
Damage/Armor Penetration 29/57.5%
Magazine Size/Reserve 30/100
RPM/Recoil 800/18

While the MAC-10 does suffer at range, it makes up for a decent firing rate, running accuracy, and kill rewards in the FPS. Its higher base damage makes its eventual damage dropoff a worthwhile risk, while its potentially lackluster accuracy could be compensated for close-quarters incursions. Should players know how to use the MAC-10 properly, it becomes an ideal eco round weapon of choice as two hits can let the SMG pay for itself with some cash to spare.

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However, one of its biggest setbacks is its mediocre magazine size, which should encourage players to either conserve their shots or spray in areas they know have multiple opponents. Moreover, its lackluster armor penetration means the MAC-10 isn’t an ideal SMG in later rounds.

General Tactics

Weapon control is the game's name with the MAC-10, making intentional strafing a player's gateway to frags. Two headshots with the MAC-10 should be enough to kill opponents, something recoil may accomplish when positioned properly. Given its relatively high recoil but low accuracy, the MAC-10 is ideally used in ambushes or positions where players can corner enemies while leaving little room to fight back. Learning how to control its high recoil may give players an advantage in close-range, especially if they can properly aim for body shots with the occasional headshot.

1 MP9

Excellent Mobility Accuracy Perfect For Traditional Hit-And-Run

Price/Kill Award $1250/$600
Damage/Armor Penetration 26/60%
Magazine Size/Reserve 30/120
RPM/Recoil 857.14/19

For an affordable SMG on the CT-Side, the MP9 boasts a high rate of fire that meshes well with its decent movement speed and reload time. Its accuracy for both moving and jumping remains relatively manageable, with its jumping accuracy the highest among SMGs in the FPS. This capability to facilitate movement-based encounters allows the MP9 to help players recover in eco rounds, especially since scoring two kills can pay for itself and potentially steal a higher-powered weapon.

However, the weapon also suffers from low damage, sub-par penetration, and high recoil, forcing players to stick to close-quarters play to get frags. At mid-range, learning to control the MP9’s recoil should facilitate damage against opponents, but it’s best to do this while rushing for cover instead of head-on engagements.

General Tactics

Risky plays favor MP9 users due to how fast the weapon fires, usually surprising enemies even before they can reposition their aim to react. Should players know their maps well, an MP9 should be capable of out-shooting an opponent with a Counter-Strike 2 Assault Rifle in mid-range with the right spread. Alternatively, the MP9's dangerous spreading power makes it ideal for holding sites or corners that enemies like to lurk in, encouraging players to ambush their foes.

counter-strike 2
Counter-Strike 2

September 27, 2023