The new League patch changed the meta in League of Legends, shifting the power dynamics among champions.
With a focus on making games last longer and reducing the strength of items, champions now rely on their abilities, making champions with strong kits likely to dominate.
This article will explore the top 3 solo carry champions for every role, revealing why they’re overpowered choices to carry in solo queue.
Most of the champions are also relatively cheap, meaning you can start testing them out if you have the blue essence. And if you don’t, buying a League account with blue essence is always a cheap and easy choice.
Kicking things off, we have Ornn. Ornn is one of the biggest winners of patch 14.21 due to the changes favoring tanks with solid scaling abilities.
With the Nerfs to item stats, champion strength is based on the kit rather than the ability to abuse overpowered items. Ornn, who scales with item upgrades and has excellent team-fighting potential, is positioned to thrive.
Ornn’s Build:
Matchup to Avoid:
Darius is bound to shine in patch 14.21, especially with the adjustments to tank items. Many tanks will have lower health but higher armor, which benefits Darius since his true damage can effectively penetrate these defenses. His skirmishing ability and lane dominance make him a powerful choice in the current meta.Darius’s Build:
Key Matchup to Ban:
As a champion with outstanding scaling and percent-health true damage, Fiora is an excellent pick in patch 14.21.
The armor buffs to items like Frozen Heart and Thornmail increase the value of her passive, which deals true damage based on the target’s maximum health.
Fiora also benefits from the extended game times, allowing her to shine in late-game teamfights.
Fiora’s Build:
Challenging Matchup to Ban:
The slower pace of games in patch 14.21 favors Shyvana, who relies heavily on leveling up to unlock her power. Her E in dragon form scales with levels, not ability points, making longer games ideal for her to become a threat. The more dragons she secures, the tankier she gets.
Shyvana’s Build:
Top Ban for Shyvana:
With games focusing more on teamfights and less on snowballing, Amumu’s strong teamfight presence becomes even more impactful. His crowd control abilities and sustained damage make him a great pick for coordinated fights, especially since fewer champions can easily burst down targets in patch 14.21.
Amumu’s Build:
Suggested Ban:
The patch’s adjustments favor champions who can maintain constant pressure in skirmishes, making Udyr an ideal choice. His durability and consistent damage output make him an excellent pick against champions reliant on bursting down opponents.
Udyr’s Build:
Aurelion Sol thrives in longer games due to his stacking passive, which grants him increasing power over time. With less emphasis on early-game snowballing, Sol’s ability to dish out consistent DPS becomes a significant asset.
Aurelion Sol’s Build:
Best Ban Choice:
Syndra benefits from the slower-paced games, allowing her to collect splinters and reach her power spike consistently. Although she can burst effectively, her ability to sustain damage output in extended fights makes her a top-tier mid laner.
Syndra’s Build:
With less damage in the game, Galio’s tankiness and crowd control make him a formidable choice for the mid-lane. He excels at protecting key ADCs like Jinx and Kai’Sa in teamfights, providing utility and durability.
Galio’s Build:
With less burst damage from items, Kog’Maw’s percent-health damage kit makes him a standout pick. Longer game times allow him to stack damage and scale effectively, and the rise in enchanter supports like Lulu further aids his playstyle.
Kog’Maw’s Build:
Suggested Ban:
Kai’Sa’s passive gives her a significant edge in patch 14.21 as she deals 15% of the enemy’s missing health with each proc. Given her already strong status in previous patches, the slowed-down gameplay allows her to scale efficiently into her late-game form.
Kai’Sa’s Build:
Jinx’s buff in the previous patch has solidified her as one of the top ADC picks. While her lethality build remains popular, the longer game duration may make crit builds a more optimal option for extended teamfights.
Jinx’s Build:
With Dead Man’s Plate receiving adjustments that increase its durability, Poppy’s survivability is enhanced. Her ability to engage and disrupt enemy champions makes her a strong support option for patch 14.21.
Poppy’s Build:
Senna’s strength lies in her scaling, and the longer game duration only benefits her further as she collects more souls. Reduced damage from other champions means she can safely build up power and impact teamfights significantly.
Senna’s Build:
Sona is a top pick for patch 14.21 due to her scaling nature. With games lasting longer and burst damage reduced, Sona’s extended team fight healing and utility make her an invaluable asset.
Sona’s Build:
The latest meta emphasizes champions with strong kits, scaling potential, and consistent damage output. Whether you’re a top laner, jungler, mid laner, ADC, or support, the champions highlighted in this guide are excellent choices to carry solo queue and climb the ranks. Explore their potential and find the playstyle that suits you best to dominate in the new patch.
The post New Best Solo Carry Champions in League of Legends appeared first on PlayStation Universe.