The Finals players claim RPG-7 nerfs went way too far with self-damage

The Finals players think developer Embark Studios may have gone overboard when nerfing RPG’s self-damage following the 1.5.0 patch.

In The Finals, players can take on three unique roles during a match: the Light, the Medium, or the Heavy. Many players who like taking hits and breaking the environments tend to gravitate towards the Heavy.

Heavy build players have plenty of hard-hitting tools at their disposal, and they are the only class with access to the explosive RPG-7 and C4 gadgets.

However, some Heavy mains think that developer Embark Studios may have gone a bit too far when nerfing the RPG-7 in patch 1.5.0, especially regarding self-damge.

The Finals players think RPG-7 self-damage is too high

A post on The Finals subreddit sparked a debate among the community after one player said, “RPG max damage is 140. Max self-damage is 252. I think this is overturned…”

The OP explained, “This is a lot more than the 1.3x multiplier mentioned in the balancing patch…I like what they’re going for with penalizing ‘suicide bombing’ but this is a bit much.”

One-shot ‘suicide bombing’ strategies were popular before the RPG-7 and C4 nerfs in the most recent patch, which contributed to some fans claiming the game had a Heavy-centric meta.

Some fans blamed Light build mains for the RPG nerfs. “They ruined RPG imho, should be a weapon that does a sh*t ton of dmg but nah Lights going to cry cause they can’t sneak up and two-shot shotgun you and sneak away,” one player said.

Still, many pushed back against that sentiment and noted that they believed the RPG should be a destruction tool first and foremost. “Do people not realize the RPG is just supposed to be a ranged destruction tool and not a primary weapon,” asked one fan.

“Its purpose is to blow a hole in a building or bring down a structure with precise aim. The good damage is just icing on the cake.”

While the RPG is no longer a one-shot kill following patch 1.5.0, it still has plenty of utility in The Finals and brings enemies to nearly 0 HP. For now, Heavy mains will have to adapt to the new damage output.
