Best Destiny 2 PvP weapons: Meta guns for Competitive & Trials of Osiris

In Season of the Wish the Crucible meta has changed big time with several new guns entering the fray, These are the best Destiny 2 PvP weapons to use to dominate Competitive & Trials of Osiris in Season 23.

Contrary to what some players may think, the Crucible remains an extremely popular battleground for Guardians to test their mettle against one another.

One of the biggest draws of PvP in Destiny 2 is the challenge of buildcrafting and finding the right guns to dominate. This is especially tricky as Bungie continues to release new weapons causing the meta to constantly shift.

To help you figure out which guns you should be using in the Crucible we’ve put together this list of the most used and best Destiny 2 PvP weapons in Season of the Witch, courtesy of Destiny Tracker.

Destiny 2: Best PvP weapons in Season of the Wish

These are the most used guns in Destiny 2’s Competitive playlist during Season of the Wish as of January 2024:

10. Cloudstrike

Cloudstrike was nerfed at the beginning of Season of the Witch but that hasn’t held back the Exotic Sniper Rifle too much. Even though its area of effect lightning is no longer as lethal in PvP this sniper still excels in other ways.

It has fantastic handling, feels wonderful to use, and can still land some of the craziest multi-kills in the right hands. Even if Mortal Polarity isn’t as forgiving as it used to be that doesn’t make Cloudstrike any less satisfying to use.

God Roll: Curated Roll

9. Cataphract GL3

First introduced as a new Trials of Osiris weapon in Season 22, Cataphract GL3 is quite simply the best Heavy Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2. Funnily enough, that statement is true of not only PvP but also PvE. It is an absolute monster of a weapon.

For PvP it gets access to the practically essential perk that is Impulse Amplifier while also having Chain Reaction as an option, arguably the best option for a HGL. This weapon ends up filling the role of an even better Wendigo, another Heavy gun that was already prevalent in PvP.

God Roll: Volatile Launch + Proximity Grenades + Impulse Amplifier + Chain Reaction

8. Ace of Spades

Cayde-6’s trusty hand cannon – Ace of Spades – has always been one of the best weapons in Destiny 2 PvP. First released in Forsaken, it allows Guardians to chamber powerful rounds after securing a final blow courtesy of Memento Mori.

Couple that with its permanent radar and additional AOE Solar damage thanks to Firefly and you’re left with quite simply the best Exotic Hand Cannon for the Crucible. As long as Destiny’s most iconic weapon type remains strong, so will Ace of Spades.

God Roll: Curated Roll

7. Unending Tempest

Last season saw this unexpected newcomer come to town and it quickly took The Immortal’s title as the best submachine gun in Destiny 2 PvP. Earnable as a drop from Crucible Engrams, Unending Tempest is an excellent SMG that still stands above the rest.

The Stasis SMG not only beats out The Immortal but it’s also much easier to farm than its Strand rival. Those looking to get into PvP with a serious loadout will want to pick one of these up from Lord Shaxx as soon as possible.

God Roll: Corkscrew Rifling + Accurized Rounds + Dynamic Sway Reduction + Target Lock

6. Ammit AR2

Auto Rifles have regained popularity in PvP and the Ammit AR2 is one of the big reasons for that. This Solar Precision Frame AR has taken over the meta in Season of the Wish, proving to be not just the best AR, but one of the best weapons altogether.

Its high usage isn’t overly surprising given that Ammit AR2 is one of the easiest guns to craft in Destiny 2. Simply complete a handful of crafting tutorial missions and you’ll be free to make it, level it up, and have your very own God Roll.

God Roll: Arrowhead Brake + Ricochet Rounds + Dynamic Sway Reduction +  Tap the Trigger

5. Matador 64

Ever since the Matador 64 was added during the 30th Anniversary Pack, it has remained one of the best close-range guns in Destiny 2 PvP. It isn’t difficult to farm and has access to the incredible combo of Threat Detector + Opening Shot which gives it unbelievable range.

With the right perks, the Matador 64 edges out every other Legendary shotgun as it’s more versatile than many of its competitors. Its ease of use and general effectiveness have helped establish it as Destiny 2’s most lethal CQB option.

God Roll: Corkscrew Rifling + Accurized Rounds + Threat Detector/Perpetual Motion + Opening Shot

4. Igneous Hammer (Adept)

When Igneous Hammer was first released in Season 13 it was a serviceable yet unspectacular Hand Cannon. However, a much-needed reissue in Season 22 has elevated it massively with the Solar weapon now being one of the best options in the Crucible.

Not only does it feel good to use but Igneous Hammer now gets access to multiple top-tier PvP perks including Keep Away and Opening Shot. While it can be a lot of effort to farm this primary is more than worth the grind given how strong it is right now.

God Roll: Fluted Barrel + Ricochet Rounds + Keep Away + Eye of the Storm/Opening Shot

3. Rose

Ladies and gentlemen, Rose is back. This Legendary Hand Cannon fell out of the meta after it stopped being farmable but Season of the Wish brings it back as a focusable weapon courtesy of Lord Shaxx.

Otherwise not much has changed with Rose remaining an incredible option and a true fan favorite for just about any Hand Cannon user. These days it’s even a decent PvE weapon so don’t be afraid to use yours whenever possible.

God Roll: Smallbore + Accurized Rounds + Slideshot/Perpetual Motion + Explosive Payload

2. Conditional Finality

When you think of versatile weapons, shotguns probably don’t come to mind. Yet that’s exactly what Conditional Finality is with it being one of the few guns in Destiny 2 to excel in both PvE and PvP.

On top of being an all-around excellent shotgun thanks to its fast handling and remarkable range, the real selling point of Conditional Finality is that it can freeze enemy Guardians. This intrinsic crowd control plus free shatter damage makes it a real threat and the best overall close-range gun in the Crucible.

God Roll: Curated Roll

1. Thorn

Most Guardians probably never thought they’d see a Thorn-dominated meta ever again, yet here we are. The renowned Exotic Hand Cannon has risen to the very top with its usage rate dominating every other weapon in Destiny 2.

This may be somewhat inflated by the arrival of its new catalyst but it is also a phenomenal primary and easily one of the best guns in PvP. If you haven’t used Thorn in a while now is as good a time as ever to pull out this classic option and get to work.

God Roll: Curated Roll

Destiny 2 Best PvP weapons: Most popular Destiny 2 PvP weapons (by usage %)

The Competitive PvP meta as of December 28, 2023, as per Destiny Tracker:

  1. Thorn (4.37%)
  2. Conditional Finality (3.05%)
  3. Rose (2.65%)
  4. Igneous Hammer – Adept (2.54%)
  5. Matador 64 (2.53%)
  6. Ammit AR2 (2.35%)
  7. Unending Tempest (1.98%)
  8. Ace of Spades (1.82%)
  9. Cataphract GL3 (1.49%)
  10. Cloudstrike (1.46%)

That’s everything you need to know about the best Destiny 2 PvP weapons. Keep an eye on this page to make sure you’re up-to-date, and be sure to check out some other Destiny content:

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