Baldur's Gate 3: Arcane Barrier Busting - Unlock the Tower's Treasures with These Clever Solutions!


  • Ramazith's tower contains valuable loot, but a barrier blocks access to it.
  • The player can use a hireling, Sussur Flower, or Sorcerer to disable the barrier without relying on an Intelligence check.
  • The player can choose the solution that best fits their character's abilities and preferences to remove or destroy the barrier and access the loot.

Ramazith's tower holds valuable loot, but a barrier blocks access to it. The player seeks a way to remove or destroy the barrier without relying on an Intelligence check. Here are several possible solutions to overcome this challenge:

1. Hireling: One option is to hire a hireling and spec them into Intelligence. This will increase the chances of successfully disabling the barrier with an Intelligence check. The player can then use the hireling's Intelligence modifier to make the check.

2. Sussur Flower: Another solution is to use a Sussur Flower, which can automatically detect a lever or something that can disable the barrier. The player can search the area and use the Sussur Flower to detect the lever, and then use the hireling's or their own Strength modifier to turn the lever and disable the barrier.

3. Sorcerer: A Sorcerer character may have a special interaction with the barrier that can disable it without an Intelligence check. The player can check their character sheet and see if they have any spells or abilities that can interact with the barrier.

4. Combination: The player can also try a combination of the above solutions. For example, they can use the Sussur Flower to detect the lever and then use their own Intelligence modifier to make the check to disable the barrier.

In conclusion, there are several ways to remove or destroy the arcane barrier in Ramazith's tower and access the valuable loot behind it. The player can choose the solution that best fits their character's abilities and preferences.

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