Apex Legends Season 17 Tier List: The Subjective Guide to Enjoyment in the Game


  • Fuse's abilities are fun to use and can help in winning games, despite some players debating his placement in the tier list.
  • Pathfinder's mobility and recon abilities are useful in scouting and flanking, with some players debating his placement in the tier list.
  • Lifeline's abilities are useful but some players find her not fun to use, leading to disagreement on her placement in the tier list.

Legends Tier List for Season 17: A Subjective Guide

As the Season 17 of Apex Legends progresses, players have been debating on the tier list of Legends based on their enjoyment. The tier list is a ranking system that categorizes the Legends based on their overall performance and enjoyment factor. While there are no definitive answers, here are some opinions on the matter.

Fuse, a Legend that has been recently added to the game, has been a subject of debate. Some players believe that he should not be placed in E, as his abilities are fun to use and can help in winning games. His "Fuse's Fantastic Voyage" ability allows him to teleport a short distance, which can be useful in escaping or repositioning. His "The Big Payback" ability lets him throw a grenade that explodes after a short delay, which can be used to flush out enemies or create distractions.

Pathfinder, a popular Legend, has also been a topic of discussion. While some people believe that he should be placed higher than E, others have their own opinions. Pathfinder is known for his mobility and recon abilities, which can be useful in scouting and flanking. His "Zipline Gun" ability allows him to place a zipline anywhere, which can be used for quick travel or escaping. His "Cryo-Pak" ability lets him create a small ice patch that slows down enemies, which can be used for controlling choke points or disrupting enemy movements.

Lifeline, another popular Legend, has been a subject of disagreement. While some players find her abilities useful, others do not find her fun to use and would not put her in S. Her "Care Package" ability lets her call in a supply drop that includes healing items, weapons, and ammo, which can be useful for reviving or resupplying teammates. Her "Healing Drone" ability lets her summon a drone that can heal teammates, which can be useful for keeping teammates alive in combat.

Vantage and Mirage are two Legends that some players do not enjoy playing. Vantage has some useful abilities, such as the ult sniper gun and the drop indicator for all sniper guns, but some people do not find her fun to play. Her "Sniper's Haven" ability lets her place a beacon that attracts loot, which can be useful for resupplying. Her "Tactical Sprint" ability lets her sprint for a short duration, which can be useful for repositioning.

Mirage is another legend that some players do not enjoy playing. He is known for his decoys and disguises, which can be useful for misdirecting enemies. His "Vanishing Act" ability lets him create a decoy that duplicates his movement and sounds, which can be used for distracting enemies. His "Cloak and Dagger" ability lets him turn invisible for a short duration, which can be used for flanking or escaping.

Ultimately, the tier list is subjective and varies from player to player. What matters most is enjoying the game and finding the Legends that suit your playstyle. Experiment with different Legends and find the ones that you enjoy playing the most.

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