Sons of the Forest Pistol Predicament: Shedding Light on the Flashlight Obstruction Issue


  • Overcome the frustration of a blocked flashlight in Sons of the Forest by adjusting its position or trying different attachments to ensure an unobstructed view of mutant creatures.
  • Consider upgrading to a shotgun with a built-in flashlight for a more convenient and unobstructed hunting experience in the game.
  • While waiting for a potential patch or update, don't let the flashlight obstruction ruin your hunting spirit - try out these solutions and get back to blasting mutant creatures with style in Sons of the Forest.

Are you frustrated with the issue of the mounted flashlight being blocked by half the gun in Sons of the Forest? Fear not, fellow hunters, for we have delved into this problem and have come up with several solutions to help you overcome this obstacle and continue your thrilling adventures in the game.


One possible solution is to adjust the position of the flashlight on your shotgun. By tweaking the angle or height of the flashlight, you may be able to find a sweet spot where it no longer gets obstructed. Experiment with different adjustments until you discover the optimal position that provides an unobstructed view. This way, you can keep those mutant creatures in your sights without any hindrance.

If adjusting the flashlight's position doesn't yield satisfactory results, consider using a different flashlight attachment altogether. Look for attachments specifically designed to work well with shotguns. These attachments may have a different mounting mechanism or a more compact design that avoids obstruction issues. By switching to a more suitable attachment, you can ensure that your flashlight remains unblocked, allowing you to navigate the darkness with ease.

In the event that none of the above solutions prove effective, it may be time to consider upgrading to a different shotgun. Some shotguns in the game come equipped with built-in flashlights that are better positioned and do not obstruct your view. Take the opportunity to explore your options and see if there are shotguns available that offer a more convenient flashlight setup. This upgrade could be the key to resolving your shotgun woes once and for all.

While these solutions can help alleviate the issue of the mounted flashlight being blocked, it's always a good idea to report the bug to the game developers. By doing so, you contribute to the improvement of the game and increase the chances of a future patch or update that addresses this problem. In the meantime, don't let a little flashlight obstruction dampen your hunting spirit in Sons of the Forest. Try out these solutions and get back to blasting those mutant creatures with style!

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