Sons of the Forest Night Vision: Shedding Light on Thermal Goggles and Cannibal Hide-and-Seek


  • The suggestion of incorporating thermal goggles into Sons of the Forest has ignited passionate discussions among players, offering the potential for an exhilarating gameplay experience of seamlessly transitioning between night vision and thermal vision.
  • The challenge of detecting mud-covered cannibals in the dark, where their body heat is masked by the thermal signature of the mud, adds an extra layer of difficulty and strategic thinking to the game, intensifying the use of thermal goggles.
  • While the idea of thermal goggles in Sons of the Forest holds undeniable appeal, it is crucial to strike a balance between realism and the overall gaming experience, ensuring that surviving in the forest remains a challenging and immersive adventure.

Welcome to the thrilling world of Sons of the Forest, where darkness reigns and cannibals lurk at every turn. In this guide, we delve into the hot topic of thermal goggles and whether they should be added to the game. Imagine having the upper hand, effortlessly hunting down those pesky cannibals in the dead of night. Join us as we explore the possibilities and weigh the pros and cons of this potential game-changer.


The suggestion of incorporating thermal goggles into Sons of the Forest has ignited passionate discussions among players. One intriguing idea is the ability to switch to thermal mode while wearing night vision goggles. Picture this: equipped with night vision, you press a certain button and seamlessly transition into thermal vision. It sounds exhilarating, doesn't it? However, we must consider the realism factor. Sons of the Forest is a survival game set in a cannibal-infested forest, not a high-tech military simulation. While thermal vision would undoubtedly be an incredible asset, we must question its compatibility with the game's overall atmosphere and mechanics.

Another player raises a valid concern regarding the cannibals' mud-covered bodies. Would thermal vision be hindered by the thermal signature of the mud, making it harder to detect the cannibals? Imagine the challenge of trying to spot a mud-caked cannibal in the dark, only to find their body heat masked by the thermal signature of the mud. Such a twist would add an extra layer of difficulty and strategic thinking to the game, intensifying the use of thermal goggles.

On a different note, a player suggests that thermal goggles could be a battery-powered attachment for the rifle. This practical solution would allow players to switch between regular vision and thermal vision based on the situation at hand. Moreover, it adds a touch of realism, as thermal goggles would logically require a power source. However, if the developers were to consider adding thermal goggles, why not go all the way and include a rifle silencer too? After all, if you're aiming for stealth, might as well embrace every advantage available.

In conclusion, the idea of introducing thermal goggles to Sons of the Forest holds undeniable appeal. It would grant players a significant advantage in hunting down cannibals during the night, while also introducing a fresh layer of strategic gameplay. Nevertheless, it is crucial to strike a balance between realism and the overall gaming experience. Whether thermal goggles ultimately find their way into the game or not, one thing remains certain: surviving in the forest will never be a leisurely stroll. Prepare for the challenge, sharpen your senses, and brace yourself for the relentless pursuit of survival.

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