Sons of the Forest GPS Guide: Navigating the Island without Losing Your Sense of Adventure


  • Discover the island of Sons of the Forest without spoilers by using Mapgenie, a hidden gem that allows you to mark your own waypoints and explore without icons.
  • Create your own immersive markers in the game, such as GPS markers attached to sticks or distinctive objects placed along your path, to map your progress and leave your mark on the island.
  • Use tarps to mark cave entrances and visually track your explorations, providing a simple and effective method to navigate the island without cluttering the map with additional icons.

Lost on the island? Frustrated with the lack of a map annotation feature? Fear not, fellow explorers! In this guide, we'll help you navigate the vast expanse of Sons of the Forest and find a way to map the island yourself. So grab your unicycle and let's get started!


Our fellow players are seeking a way to map the island in Sons of the Forest themselves, as they are frustrated with the lack of a map annotation feature. They want to avoid spoilers from online maps and discover new areas without repetition. Luckily, we have some solutions to help them on their quest.

One helpful player suggests using Mapgenie, a hidden gem that provides indicators on the map but also has a "hide all" option. This means you can have a map with no icons, allowing you to discover locations on your own. By creating an account, you can even save your own waypoints. This way, you can mark important spots or areas of interest without spoiling the exploration experience. So, grab your unicycle and ride through the island, knowing that you can keep track of your discoveries without sacrificing the thrill of the unknown.

Another player comes to the rescue with a link to surface-only maps. These maps, although not completely accurate, can give you a general idea of the island's layout without any icons or spoilers. Just head over to the provided link and explore the maps to your heart's content. Keep in mind that some details may be missing, like small ponds, but it's a great starting point for creating your own annotated map.

If you're looking for a more immersive approach, why not create your own markers in the game? As you progress, you'll be able to produce GPS markers that you can attach to sticks. Use these markers to indicate important locations or areas you've already explored. You can even get crafty and place sticks with skulls or other distinctive objects as markers along your path. Bunkers are usually in a straight line, and in caves, you can use wall torches to mark your progress. So, unleash your inner cartographer and make your mark on the island!

For those who prefer a simpler method, one player suggests using tarps to mark the entrances of caves. By placing a tarp at the entrance, you'll know at a glance that you've already explored that particular cave. Plus, the tarp will show up on your map, giving you a visual cue of your progress. It's a straightforward and effective way to keep track of your cave explorations without cluttering up the map with additional icons.

With these solutions at your disposal, you can now embark on your exploration journey with confidence. Whether you choose to use Mapgenie, surface-only maps, custom markers, or tarps, you'll be able to navigate the island of Sons of the Forest while maintaining the excitement of discovery. So grab your unicycle, sharpen your survival skills, and get ready to conquer the unknown!

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