Sons of the Forest Golden Armor: Shotgun Dilemma and Multiple Solutions Unveiled!


  • Discover the secret to obtaining multiple shotguns in Sons of the Forest and become a formidable force in the game.
  • Learn how to have the best of both worlds by giving the shotgun to Virginia for infinite ammo while still keeping one for yourself.
  • Uncover clever tricks like respawning weapons and creating your own personal armory to ensure you're always prepared for the dangers of the forest.

Ah, the age-old dilemma of the shotgun in Sons of the Forest. It's a tough decision, isn't it? Do you give it to Virginia for infinite ammo, or do you keep it for yourself and become a one-person army? But wait, what if there's a way to have the best of both worlds? In this guide, we'll explore the possibility of finding more than one shotgun location in the game.


As our eager player has already discovered, returning to the grave where they first found the shotgun doesn't yield another weapon. Instead, they are left with a handful of measly coins. Not exactly what they were hoping for. However, fear not, for we have some possible solutions to this conundrum.

Solution 1: If you choose to give the shotgun to Virginia and save your progress, there is a way to have it magically respawn. Simply log out of the game and log back in, and head to the original shotgun grave. Lo and behold, the shotgun will be waiting for you once again. This way, you can experience the joy of infinite ammo while still keeping a shotgun for yourself.

Solution 2: There used to be a second spawn location for the shotgun, but it seems that the game developers have removed it. However, all hope is not lost! If you're desperate for a second shotgun, you can still achieve it by saving your game, exiting, and rejoining. Once you're back in the game, head to the original shotgun grave and dig it up again. Voila! You now have another shotgun in your arsenal.

Solution 3: Why settle for just one shotgun when you can have two? If you choose to give the shotgun to Virginia and save your progress, you can still obtain another set of shotgun and pistol for yourself. Simply log out of the game, reload, and head to the same location where you originally found the weapons. They will be waiting for you, ready to be picked up and used to your heart's content.

Solution 4: For the true weapon hoarders out there, here's a little trick. If you place your shotgun or any other weapon on a weapon rack, save your game, log out, and reload, you can go back to the original location and find another copy of that weapon. This way, you can stock up on shotguns and create your own personal armory.

In conclusion, dear player, the choice is yours. Whether you decide to give the shotgun to Virginia, keep it for yourself, or find a way to have multiple shotguns, remember that the forest is a dangerous place. A shotgun can be your best friend in times of need. So choose wisely, and happy hunting!

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