Sons of the Forest Game: Can You Turn Off Nudity and Other Exciting Improvements?


  • Introducing the Log Grinder, a new blueprint that allows players to crush excessive log parts into sawdust, making building more efficient and eliminating wasted space in Sons of the Forest.
  • The suggestion to add the ability to control Virginia's actions in the game would give players more control over their gameplay and make Virginia a more versatile companion.
  • Bringing back the climbing axe from The Forest would add a whole new level of epicness to Sons of the Forest, making exploration even more thrilling and varied.

Are you tired of some of the frustrating aspects of the game Sons of the Forest? Well, fear not, because we have gathered a few suggestions to fix these issues and make your gaming experience more enjoyable. Let's dive into these proposals and see what you think!


One common annoyance in Sons of the Forest is dealing with excessive log parts when building. Half logs and quarters can take up valuable space and become a real pain. But fret not, because we have a solution for you! Introducing the Log Grinder, a new blueprint that allows you to crush those pesky logs into sawdust with a simple and fun mechanism. Say goodbye to wasted space and hello to efficient building!

Have you ever wished you could give commands to Virginia just like you can to Kelvin? You're not alone. It would be pretty cool to have the option to control Virginia's actions in the game. Sometimes, you just want her to stay put and not follow you around like a lost puppy. So why not add this feature to Sons of the Forest? It would give players more control over their gameplay and make Virginia a more versatile companion.

Do you remember the climbing axe from The Forest? It was a fantastic tool that added variety to cave exploration and made climbing mountains more exciting. So why not bring it back in Sons of the Forest? Imagine scaling cliffs and navigating treacherous terrain with the help of a trusty climbing axe. It would add a whole new level of epicness to the game and make exploration even more thrilling.

Slope climbing can be a real challenge in Sons of the Forest, especially when you keep slipping off. But fear not, because we have a solution for you! Introducing the Spike Boots, a handy accessory that allows you to climb slopes that would normally send you tumbling down. Sure, you'll walk slower on normal land, but hey, at least you won't keep falling off every slope you encounter. It's a small sacrifice for the convenience of hassle-free climbing.

In conclusion, these suggestions aim to improve your experience in Sons of the Forest by addressing some of the game's annoying aspects. The Log Grinder will make building more efficient, while the ability to control Virginia's actions will give you more control over gameplay. Bringing back the climbing axe will add excitement to exploration, and the Spike Boots will make slope climbing a breeze. Implementing these changes would undoubtedly enhance the overall gameplay and make Sons of the Forest an even more immersive and enjoyable experience for players.

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