Sons of the Forest Achievements: Digging for Blisters in the Wilderness


  • Unleash your inner mole and spam-click or dig your way to victory in the "I like blisters" achievement in Sons of the Forest.
  • Try the weighted mouse button trick for a hands-free approach to achieving the achievement, allowing you to multitask while the game does the digging for you.
  • Dedication and perseverance are key to earning the coveted "I like blisters" achievement, so pick your preferred digging strategy and let your blisters be a testament to your determination.

Are you tired of mindlessly digging holes in Sons of the Forest? Well, buckle up and get ready to dive into the requirements for the "I like blisters" achievement! In this guide, we will explore different strategies to help you achieve this coveted accomplishment in the game.


1. The Spam-Clicking Method: Some players have found success by spam-clicking their mouse (or even multiple mice for the ambitious ones) while walking in circles. Surprisingly, even a single use of the shovel counts as a hole. So, unleash your inner mole and start spamming that click button to dig your way to victory!

2. The Spam Dig Technique: Similar to the first method, this approach involves spamming the dig action. Run around like a madman, frantically digging up the ground as fast as you can. It may feel like a workout for your fingers, but remember, blisters are the name of the game here! This technique requires speed and endurance, so be prepared for an intense digging session.

3. The Weighted Mouse Button Trick: If you're looking for a more hands-free approach, this trick might be for you. One resourceful player shared their secret to success - they placed a weight on their left mouse button, kept a finger on the "W" key for movement, and simply walked in a straight line on unexplored land for about 15-20 minutes. When they returned, voila! The achievement was unlocked. This method allows you to multitask while the game does the digging for you.

Remember, the exact number of holes you need to dig may vary. Some players suggest it could be either 50 or 100 times. So, don't give up until that achievement pops up on your screen! Grab your shovel, put on some gloves, and get ready to dig like there's no tomorrow!

In conclusion, achieving the "I like blisters" achievement requires dedication and perseverance. Whether you choose the spam-clicking method, the spam dig technique, or the weighted mouse button trick, it's all about digging as many holes as possible. So, pick your preferred strategy, dig your heart out, and earn that coveted achievement. Good luck, and may your blisters be a testament to your determination in Sons of the Forest!

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