All Locations Unveiled: Unraveling the Mysteries of Sons of the Forest


  • The Forest is a captivating and enigmatic game that keeps players guessing with its mysterious storyline and unanswered questions.
  • Players speculate on the identity of the old man, the survival of the protagonist, and the motives of the antagonist, adding to the allure of the game.
  • The mutations within The Forest vary among individuals, creating distinct characters and leaving room for interpretation and speculation.

Let's plunge into the captivating world of The Forest and delve into some of the burning questions that players have been pondering after completing the game. Brace yourself for a thrilling exploration as we attempt to unravel the mysteries that lie within this intriguing title.


Question 1: In the cut scene within the bunker, who is the enigmatic old man and how is he still alive after being shot? Is he the same individual in the helicopter at the end?

According to player comments and speculation, the old man is believed to be Timmy's father, the protagonist from the first game. It is suggested that he managed to survive the gunshot due to a combination of plot armor and sheer luck, possibly being hit in a non-lethal area. As for the identity of the person in the helicopter, it remains a tantalizing mystery. It could potentially be the same old man, or it might be an entirely different character altogether. The Forest loves to keep us guessing, adding to the allure of its enigmatic narrative.

Question 1.5: How is it that we managed to survive when the sluggy creature rolled over us in that intense scene?

One intriguing theory suggests that Timmy, being the son of the protagonist, used his mutant arm to shield us from harm during that perilous moment. Another possibility is that the sluggy creature simply perished shortly after rolling over us, sparing our lives by sheer chance. Whichever the case may be, it seems that we were certainly fortunate to have escaped unscathed from that dangerous encounter.

Question 2: Why did the antagonist spare our lives? And why does he not exhibit the same mutations as the goons in scuba suits?

The motives of the antagonist remain shrouded in mystery, leaving room for speculation and interpretation. One theory proposes that he chose not to kill us as a form of intimidation or because he believed that we would meet our demise regardless. As for his lack of mutation, it is possible that he never entered the mysterious cube within the bunker. The mutations observed in the goons wearing scuba suits may have been triggered by their exposure to the cube, while the antagonist, equipped with his own golden suit, managed to evade the same fate.

Question 3: During the scene with the puffies, are the individuals emerging from the water the missing millionaire and his wife? And why do they appear distinct from the other puffies?

Indeed, the individuals crawling out of the water are confirmed to be the missing millionaire and his wife. They can be identified by their attire, which matches the clothing they wore in the initial cutscene, as well as the name tags found on the dining table. As for their unique appearance, it serves as a clever plot device to set them apart from the other puffies. The mutations within The Forest are not uniform, allowing for variations in physical characteristics among the affected individuals.

Question 4: How do the mutants within the bunker differ from the cannibals on the surface? Were the cannibals simply residing above ground?

The cube within the bunker induces mutations in individuals, but the effects of these mutations can vary among different people. The mutants found within the bunker are likely the result of exposure to the cube's mysterious powers. On the other hand, the cannibals residing on the surface may have evolved through different means or have been affected by alternative factors. The Forest leaves us to speculate on the origins and distinctions between these two groups, adding an additional layer of complexity to its immersive storyline.

In conclusion, The Forest is a game that thrives on mystery and intrigue, leaving players with a multitude of unanswered questions. As we continue to explore its enigmatic world, we can only hope to uncover more clues and revelations that will shed light on the captivating secrets that lie within.

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