League Of Legends: 7 Big Changes Coming In Season 2024

League of Legends is gearing up for Season 2024 and with a slew of huge changes announced, players can expect the biggest shakeup in over a decade for the number one MOBA. Interestingly, unlike previous years, there will be no Preseason on live servers, and instead, players will be thrown right into the deep end when the new season for League kicks off in early January 2024.

While there are a myriad of smaller tweaks and new features on their way, the biggest changes include unprecedented alterations to the map, a revamped Baron and other Void objectives, as well as the removal of Mythic Items.

7 Changes To The Map

The Entrances To Lanes Have Been Changed And Made More Symmetrical

League of Legends Top Lane Terrain Changes
  • Top Lane is more isolated.
  • Mid Lane will be safer.
  • Bot Lane is more symmetrical and fair for both teams.

Literally, the most groundbreaking update to League of Legends in recent memory has to be the upcoming changes to the map. The terrain surrounding all three lanes is going to look completely different, with Top Lane, for example, becoming harder to gank, thanks to a new wall and the movement of a bush. Mid Lane will also be safer with the river bushes being pushed back and two of the entrances being closer to their Tower.

Bot Lane has also been altered, and the red side should now be equally vulnerable to ganks with a more accessible tri-bush. These map changes, which also extend to the River, will take a while to get used to, especially for players who have spent hundreds or thousands of hours on Summoner's Rift. Junglers in particular will need to find new and creative ways to gank.

6 New Objective - Voidgrubs

Voidgrubs Spawn In The Baron Pit At 5 Minutes & Help With Killing Towers

League of Legends Voidgrubs
  • 3 Voidgrubs spawn at once, 6 in total.
  • Each slain Voidgrub provides a stacking tower-killing buff.
  • Slaying all 6 spawns Voidmites to attack towers.

Voidgrubs are the new neutral objective in League and three of them will spawn inside the Baron Pit at the 5-minute mark, taking the place of the first Rift Herald. Attacking Voidgrubs will cause tiny Voidmites to fight back, but if players are able to take down at least one Voidgrub, they will earn their team a permanent buff that grants damage over time against structures.

Each Voidgrub can spawn one more time after dying, meaning six can be taken in total, with the buff getting stronger for each grub slain. This means that, unlike other objectives, it isn't all or nothing, although slaying all six will grant a bonus buff that spawns Voidmites to attack Towers.

5 Rift Herald Can Be Steered

Rift Herald Will Now Spawn At 14 Minutes With A New Feature

League of Legends New Rift Herald
  • Rift Herald will no longer spawn twice.
  • Rift Herald can be controlled to further damage Towers or knock up enemies.

With the introduction of Voidgrubs, Rift Herald will now only spawn once at 14 minutes, meaning players will no longer be able to use it to take Turret Plates. However, when players do drop the Rift Herald, they will be able to climb inside and take control of the Void monster.

When Rift Herald charges with a player controlling it, it will do more damage to structures and can even damage and knock up enemy champions. Additionally, Rift Herald has had a glow-up visually.

4 Void Camps

At 20 Minutes, Red, Blue, & Scuttle Crab All Change

League of Legends Voidborn Brambleback

When Baron spawns at the 20-minute mark, the Red and Blue Buffs will both become Voidborn. This transformation makes them harder to kill, but once slain, their buffs will be given to all teammates who are alive.

Likewise, the Scuttle Crab will also become tankier, and killing it causes an eruption of vision that will reveal champions and any enemy wards, which will also be taken down to 1 HP. These new mini-objectives should give teams more reasons to contest certain areas of the map.

3 Changes To Baron Nashor

Baron Will Now Have 3 Forms, Each With A Unique Pit

League of Legends New Baron Pit
  • Each Baron has different fighting abilities.
  • Teams must adapt to each new Baron Pit and find ways to defend and enter it.

Baron Nashor has been updated visually and is scarier than ever. To help make each game of League feel more unique, Baron will take on one of three forms when it first spawns. Each version of Baron will have its own fighting style and will occupy a different Baron Pit, changing the way in which teams must enter the fray.

While the way in which teams claim the Baron Buff has been changed, players will still be rewarded with the same old buff that helps them push toward victory.

2 More Champion Quests

Rivals In The Lore Can Battle It Out On The Rift

League of Legends Nasus and Renekton
  • New Quests for rivals such as Renekton and Nasus.

There are already a few in-game quests for rival champions such as Lucian and Thresh, which trigger when they are on opposite teams. These quests trigger at some point during the game and typically involve the champions having to kill one another.

In Season 2024, brand-new quests will be added, allowing strong champions from the lore to engage in unique duels with their rival. This should make these rare matchups more fun.

1 No More Mythic Items

Players Will Have Even More Freedom To Build What They Want

League of Legends Shop
  • Mythic Items won't exist anymore.
  • Some items are being removed, and others reworked.
  • There will be plenty of new items.

For nearly three years, Mythic Items have been the strongest in the game and were designed to be built first. In Season 2024, however, the concept of Mythic Items will be removed, and all complete items will be treated the same. This will give players even more flexibility with their builds, and help out some champions who struggled to find a Mythic for them.

While some existing Mythic Items are being removed completely, others are being altered and turned into standard Legendary Items. Additionally, completely new items are also on their way, and players can expect lots of changes in this area.

league of legends
League of Legends

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October 27, 2009
Riot Games