Genshin Impact: Mastering Enemies in the Abyss - Strategies for Success


  • Focusing on attacking stationary enemies is an effective strategy in Genshin Impact's Abyss mode.
  • Letting moving enemies come to you can conserve energy and avoid unnecessary damage.
  • Understanding enemy strengths and weaknesses is key to developing a successful strategy in Abyss mode.

Mastering Genshin Impact's Abyss Mode: Tips for Defeating Enemies and Obtaining the Last Star

Are you struggling to obtain the last star in Genshin Impact's Abyss mode? The common mistake that many players make is not attacking stationary enemies. In this guide, we will discuss effective strategies for defeating enemies and obtaining the last star.

The first strategy is to focus on attacking stationary enemies. These enemies are often the ones that deal the most damage, and they are easier to hit than moving enemies. Attacking stationary enemies also allows players to conserve energy and avoid taking unnecessary damage. To find stationary enemies, pay attention to the enemy spawn patterns and AI.

Another effective strategy is to let moving enemies come to you. This is especially useful when there are multiple enemies that are close to each other. By waiting for the enemies to come to you, you can attack them in quick succession and avoid taking damage from their attacks. This strategy also allows players to conserve energy and avoid taking unnecessary damage.

It is important to note that some enemies are better attacked from a distance, while others are better attacked up close. For example, ranged enemies are best attacked from a distance, while melee enemies are better attacked up close. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each enemy, players can develop a strategy that works best for them.

In conclusion, attacking stationary enemies and letting moving enemies come to you are two effective strategies for succeeding in Genshin Impact's Abyss mode. By understanding enemy spawn patterns and AI, players can develop a strategy that works best for them and increase their chances of obtaining the last star they need. With these tips, you can master Genshin Impact's Abyss mode and become a successful player.

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