Genshin Impact Fandom: Embrace Your Inner Traveler and Find Your Place in the World of Teyvat


  • Overcoming the feeling of being left out in the Genshin Impact fandom is possible by actively engaging with the community and finding like-minded players to connect with.
  • Finding common ground with other players through discussions about the game's story, characters, and events can help foster a sense of belonging.
  • Embracing one's individuality and enjoying the game at one's own pace is key to becoming a part of the Genshin Impact fandom, regardless of when one started playing.

Feeling left out of the Genshin Impact fandom? Don't worry, you're not alone! If you're feeling like you don't quite fit into the Genshin Impact fandom because you didn't start playing the game from day one, fear not! There are several ways to overcome this feeling and become a part of the community.


Firstly, it's important to remember that being a part of the fandom is not solely determined by the length of time you've been playing the game. As one player mentioned, you don't need to be a die-hard fan to enjoy the game. So, don't beat yourself up over not feeling connected to the community just yet.

One way to feel more involved is to actively engage with the community. Find like-minded players who share your views and playstyle. Join forums, subreddits, or Discord servers where you can discuss the game, share experiences, and connect with others. Sometimes, all it takes is finding that one person or moment that resonates with you to feel a sense of belonging.

Another important aspect is to focus on the experiences you do share with the community. Whether it's discussing the story, sharing opinions on characters, or participating in events, finding common ground can help you feel more connected. Don't be afraid to express your thoughts and engage in conversations. Your unique perspective might just be what someone else needs to hear.

It's also worth noting that the term "fandom" can have different connotations for different people. As one player humorously put it, fandom can sometimes be associated with "weird eccentric people." So, don't feel pressured to conform to any specific expectations or definitions. Enjoy the game in your own way and embrace your individuality.

Lastly, remember that emotional investment takes time and interest. Some players may have been drawn to the game during a specific moment or circumstance, while others may have joined later on. Each journey is unique, and there's no right or wrong way to become a part of the fandom. Play at your own pace, find enjoyment in the game, and let the sense of belonging naturally evolve.

In conclusion, feeling like you're not a part of the Genshin Impact fandom because you didn't start playing from day one is a common sentiment. However, by actively engaging with the community, focusing on shared experiences, embracing your individuality, and giving yourself time to emotionally invest in the game, you'll find yourself feeling more connected in no time. So, don't fret, fellow traveler, your place in the fandom awaits!

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