Genshin Impact: 7 Things We Know About Skirk So Far

Very little is known about Skirk in Genshin Impact since most of her lore comes from Tartaglia’s character's story and his voice lines. Ever since Childe made it onto the Genshin Impact roster, fans have been interested in knowing more about Skirk, the master who taught him most of what he knows in combat.

In a big twist during the Masquerade of the Guilty Archon Quest, players finally meet Skirk and have a short conversation with her. Unfortunately for all the excited people, with the few answers she provides, Skirk manages to raise many more questions instead. So for players who are interested in knowing more about Skirk lore, here are some things that we know about Skirk so far in Genshin Impact.

Some of the things mentioned in this article are based on speculations and theories, so take them with a grain of salt.

Skirk Is Obsessed With Training

genshin impact skirk is obsessed with training

Players can immediately pick up Skirk’s obsession with training when she meets the Traveler and Neuvillette during their All-Devouring Narwhal fight in Genshin Impact. She thanks them for helping her with the cleanup, stating it should've been her job. She then explains she was busy with her own training and didn’t think Childe and the Narwhal would start brawling. And as a punishment, she decides to swing her sword three million times. That’s an extremely hard punishment that only characters obsessed with training would put upon themselves.

Another indication of her obsession with training would be the circle of disciples going on between Skirk, Childe, and her master Surtalogi; of course, Tartaglia, The Eleventh of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, being the weakest among them. It’s interesting to see what Surtalogi has taught Skirk and what she would further teach Childe in their future encounters.

Skirk Is A Swordswoman

genshin impact skirk is a swordswoman

The two main pieces that may allude to Skirk being a sword user in Genshin Impact if she ever becomes a playable character are Tartaglia’s lore and her conversation with the Traveler and Neuvillette. Childe’s fourth Character Story mentions that a swordswoman taught Tartaglia how to pass through the Abyss unhindered and nurtured the ability to stir up endless havoc.

Additionally, when Skirk is upset about the brawl between Childe and the Narwhal, she punishes herself by swinging her sword three million times. The first piece describes Skirk as a swordswoman, while the second one is Skirk herself saying she wields a sword.

Skirk is the disciple of Surtalogi

genshin impact skirk is the disciple of surtalogi

While little is known about Skirk, she reveals some notable information about her and a couple of other characters during her conversation during the Masquerade of the Guilty Archon Quest. For example, she names the All-Devouring Narwhal as her master’s pet, which, of course, would raise the question of who’s crazy enough to take the All-Devouring as a pet.

Skirk then reveals she’s the disciple of Surtalogi and refers to him as the Foul. Not much else is revealed, other than he’s in the same league as Rhinedottir, also known as Gold, and another unknown character called Vedrfolnir. Skirk also mentions that all three are pursuing some form of perfection.

Skirk Taught Tartaglia Foul Legacy

genshin impact skirk taught tartaglia foul legacy

It is known that Ajax fell into the Abyss when he was 14 years old. It’s also known that Skirk took him under her wing and trained him for three months, which was equivalent to three days in Teyvat. When players reach level 10 friendship with Childe in Genshin Impact, they'll unlock his Namecard, which has a description that tells about the solitary girl who taught Tartaglia how to use Foul Legacy, which consists of most of Childe’s movesets and abilities during combat. It also mentions that the solitary girl dwells in the Abyss, which only leads to one suspect, Skirk.

A weaker, but further proof of Childe’s Foul Legacy originating from the Abyss is the similarity between Childe’s Elemental Skill, Foul Legacy: Raging Tide, and the Abyss Heralds’ attacks.

Skirk Dwells In The Darkest Corners Of The Universe

genshin impact skirk dwells in the darkest corners of the universe

Many lore pieces prove that Skirk exclusively stays in the Abyss and never leaves it. But an interesting lore comes from Childe’s Namecard, which states that Skirk lives in the Darkest Corners Of The Universe. That makes sense since Childe was never able to find her again, even when she taught him how to survive and pass through the Abyss unhindered.

Moreover, when Skirk trained Ajax for three months, only three days passed in the real world. That strongly suggests that they were far away deep into the Abyss, especially since he also states that he dreamed of being in the deepest depths of the sea.

Skirk Might Introduce A New Element

genshin impact skirk might introduce a new element

While there is no lore that proves this theory, it is still strongly implied that Skirk might carry a new power other than the seven Elements everyone knows in Genshin Impact. The first real indication starts with Paimon’s question about “that power” when Skirk easily contains the All-Devouring Narwhal.

Moreover, the strongest and the best indication comes right after when Skirk explains she chose to speak with the Traveler and Neuvillette because they managed to defeat the Narwhal without using any powers from beyond their world. This is a clear indication that Skirk has knowledge of powers that are beyond the seven Elemental powers known to Teyvat so far.

Skirk Might Be Dead

genshin impact skirk might be dead

In a very interesting dialogue, Skirk says that living is in itself a blessing, but once a person dies, the bonds they once had with this world will all turn to curses. When asked by Neuvillette to elaborate further, she states that these are her personal thoughts and the reason why she no longer wishes to return to the surface.

There are already many speculations and theories that link Skirk to already existing lore, like her being the maiden mentioned in Amos’ Bow description. But, all that is still unknown, since players barely scratched the surface of anything Skirk-related.

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Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG made by MiHoYo. Focusing on the interactions between seven elements, Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha game with a host of characters, weapons, regions, and more.

Mobile, iOS, Android, PC, PS4, PS5
September 28, 2020
HoYoverse (Formerly miHoYo)
T for Teen - Fantasy Violence, Alcohol Reference