Welcome to the world of TMNT Fortnite, where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have joined the battle! One of the most exciting additions to the game is the TMNT pickaxes, featuring the iconic weapons of our favorite heroes in a half shell - the katana, the nunchaku, the bo staff, and the sai. However, keen-eyed players have noticed that the sai, Raphael's weapon of choice, seems to be missing its mark.
But fear not, fellow Fortnite players, for I have delved into the depths of this TMNT pickaxe predicament and emerged with a few possible solutions. Let's take a closer look, shall we?
Solution 1: Sharpen Those Sais!
One obvious solution would be to simply sharpen the sais on the TMNT pickaxes. After all, if we're going to wield the weapons of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, we want them to be sharp and deadly. A little upgrade in the blade department would go a long way in making these pickaxes truly fearsome. Imagine the satisfaction of landing a precise strike with a perfectly sharpened sai!
Solution 2: Adjust the Animation
Another possible solution could involve adjusting the animation of the TMNT pickaxes. As some keen observers have pointed out, there seems to be a bug in Save the World mode that affects the unique animations of certain pickaxes. By tweaking the animation, Epic Games could ensure that the TMNT pickaxes swing correctly and deliver the intended impact. We don't want the Turtles to look like they're just flailing their weapons around aimlessly, do we?
Solution 3: Add Special Abilities
Why stop at just sharpening the sais or adjusting the animation? Let's take it a step further and give the TMNT pickaxes some special abilities. Picture this: Leonardo's katana could have increased attack speed, allowing you to strike with lightning-fast precision. Donatello's bo staff could provide a defensive shield, giving you an extra layer of protection in the heat of battle. Adding unique powers inspired by each Turtle would not only make the pickaxes more exciting to use but also introduce a whole new level of strategy to the game.
So there you have it, dear Fortnite enthusiasts. Three possible solutions to make the TMNT pickaxes in Fortnite truly shine. Whether it's sharpening the sais, adjusting the animation, or adding special abilities, let's hope Epic Games takes note and gives these iconic weapons the justice they deserve. Until then, happy gaming and may the power of the Turtles be with you!
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