fortnite subreddit conundrum: to lock or not to lock


  • Should we lock the subreddit to prevent brainless reddit children from r/MinecraftMemes, or is there a better solution to deal with the influx?
  • Temporary locking of the subreddit would halt the flood but punish the entire community, while ramping up moderation efforts would burden the mods and make it like herding unruly sheep while juggling flaming torches.
  • Educating users about the difference between r/FORTnITE and r/FortNiteBR could be a more long-term solution, but it requires cooperation and willingness from both communities.

Should we lock this subreddit to prevent a flood of brainless reddit children from r/MinecraftMemes?


The question at hand is whether or not to lock the subreddit to prevent an influx of brainless reddit children from r/MinecraftMemes. Let's explore the possible solutions to this conundrum.

One option is to temporarily lock the subreddit, preventing anyone from posting or commenting for a designated period of time. This would effectively halt the flood of brainless reddit children from r/MinecraftMemes and give the hardworking mods a much-needed break. However, it also means that regular users who are not part of the meme brigade would be unable to engage in discussions or share content during this time. It's a tough call to make, as it would essentially punish the entire community for the actions of a few brainless individuals.

Another approach is to ramp up moderation efforts during the expected flood. This would involve recruiting additional moderators or temporarily empowering existing ones with more authority to swiftly remove irrelevant or spammy posts. While this solution may help in dealing with the brainless reddit children, it places a heavy burden on the mods who would have to put in extra hours and deal with the frustration of constantly monitoring and enforcing rules. It's like trying to herd a group of unruly sheep while juggling flaming torches - a daunting task indeed.

Perhaps a more long-term solution is to educate the users of r/MinecraftMemes about the difference between r/FORTnITE and r/FortNiteBR. This could be done through informative posts, sticky threads, or even a friendly collaboration between the two subreddits. By fostering a better understanding, we can hope to prevent future floods and minimize the influx of brainless reddit children. However, this solution requires cooperation and willingness from both communities, which may not be easily achieved.

In conclusion, the decision to lock the subreddit or implement other solutions ultimately depends on weighing the pros and cons. It's a delicate balance between protecting the community from brainless reddit children and ensuring that regular users can still enjoy their experience. Whatever the chosen course of action, let's hope for a swift resolution and a return to a more peaceful and meme-filled subreddit.

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