Todd: We won't rush to develop a new Fallout game. Bethesda's monthly players exceed 25 million

With the huge success of the Fallout TV show and the resurgence in sales of the previous games, there are rumors that Microsoft is interested in fast-tracking development of the next mainline single-player Fallout game.

However, in a recent conversation with YouTuber MrMattyPlays, Todd Howard clarified that the studio has no plans to rush out the next Fallout game.

Todd said that Bethesda has never stopped developing Fallout, and a lot of that work is obviously focused on Fallout 76. "We just released the Skyland Valley update and are very excited about the current state of the game. We feel very lucky and are extremely proud of the work of the team."

Regarding the future of the "Fallout" game, Todd said that he could not reveal too much at present, but he emphasized that he would not rush to launch a new game. "The "Fallout" TV series fills a certain gap in IP and narrative. I fully understand everyone's desire for new single-player games. These things take time. I don't think it's a bad thing to let people miss something. We just want to do things well and make sure that everything we have in the IP can become the meaning of everyone's love for these series, whether it is "The Elder Scrolls", "Fallout" or now "Starfield". "

Todd also shared a record set by Bethesda Game Studios, with the number of players of the company's games reaching 25 million last month, setting a new record.

“Our games have never been more popular. Last month we had 25 million players. That’s an amazing number, and we listen to our players and our priority is always how we can serve that audience on a monthly basis while developing new products.”
