A player made his own Fallout Nuka-Cola themed PC

Nuka-Cola is one of the iconic elements in the Fallout game. With its red and white label, unhealthy sugar and radiation-filled taste, Nuka-Cola has become synonymous with the Fallout brand. Recently, a player posted a post on the Reddit forum showing off his homemade Fallout Nuka-Cola themed PC. The overall effect is very good. Let's enjoy it together.

Fallout Nuka-Cola themed PC:

As can be seen from the picture, this "Fallout" Nuka-Cola themed PC uses a pure white chassis with six fans scattered inside the chassis. A Nuka-Cola label is affixed to the top of the chassis, and there is even a bottle of real "Nuka" Cola inside the chassis.

In the comment area, players also expressed their praise for the design of the chassis, and some players thought that it might be better to add some corrosion feeling like in "Fallout" to the chassis.

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