The hunt for the elusive Dead Man's Tale catalyst in Tales of Destiny 2 can be a frustrating endeavor. Many Guardians have embarked on the challenging Presage mission on Legend difficulty, only to find that the catalyst is not given upon completion. Fear not, for there are several solutions that may help you obtain this coveted catalyst.
First and foremost, before succumbing to despair, it is crucial to ensure that you meet the requirements for obtaining the Dead Man's Tale catalyst. This means completing the Presage mission on Master difficulty at least once. The catalyst can only be obtained after conquering the mission on this challenging setting, so double-check your progress before moving forward.
If you have met the requirements but still find yourself catalyst-less, it may be worth retrying the Presage mission. Sometimes, the game can be as finicky as a temperamental cat refusing to come out from under the bed. A simple reboot, in the form of running the mission again, could potentially fix any glitches that prevented you from receiving the catalyst initially.
Should retrying the mission prove fruitless, it might be time to call upon the aid of your fellow Guardians. Reach out to your comrades and form a fireteam to tackle the Presage mission together. The power of teamwork can often overcome even the most stubborn of bugs, so don't underestimate the strength of unity.
If all else fails and the Dead Man's Tale catalyst continues to elude you, it's time to bring in the big guns. Contact Bungie Support and explain the issue you're facing. They are the experts in all things Destiny 2 and may have additional troubleshooting steps or a solution to your predicament.
In conclusion, the journey to obtain the Dead Man's Tale catalyst may not be a straightforward one. However, with patience, perseverance, and a little help from your fellow Guardians or Bungie Support, you will eventually wield this powerful catalyst in all its glory. So, keep your spirits high, Guardian, and happy hunting!
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