Is the Seasonal Artifact Glitched? Let's Unravel the Mystery!
There has been a whirlwind of confusion surrounding the seasonal artifact in Destiny 2, leaving Guardians scratching their heads and wondering if it's glitched. The main point of contention revolves around the use of certain weapons with specific champion mods. Fear not, fellow Guardians, for we are here to shed some light on this matter and provide you with possible solutions.
One astute player pointed out that the Devil's Ruin already boasts an "unstoppable" mod, which could explain why the seasonal artifact mod isn't working as intended. It makes perfect sense, as stacking two champion mods on the same weapon would be an impossible feat. Similarly, another Guardian highlighted that the Le Monarque bow has an "intrinsic overload" mod, potentially rendering the unstoppable bow mod ineffective.
To bring clarity to this issue, a helpful picture was shared within the community threads, showcasing the intricate hierarchy of champion mods. We can only hope that the image isn't too blurry, as we all know the frustration that comes with deciphering vital information.
Furthermore, it has been observed that certain weapons, such as the Polaris Lance with its fiery solar ignitions, possess the ability to stun multiple types of champions. This unique trait is attributed to the radiant mod, which can be utilized thanks to the weapon's solar nature. However, it's worth noting that switching from a weapon like Sunshot to a primary weapon may be necessary to activate the radiant effect. So, while Sunshot grants you the radiant mod, you'll still need a different weapon to penetrate those pesky barriers.
In conclusion, it seems that the seasonal artifact may not be glitched after all. The issues Guardians are experiencing appear to stem from the inherent properties of certain weapons and the limitations of stacking champion mods. Before jumping to conclusions and assuming there's a glitch, it's crucial to consider the specific weapon and mod combinations you're employing. So, fear not, brave Guardians, and embark on your hunts with newfound knowledge and confidence!
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