Cyberpunk 2077: 5 Best Cool Perks, Ranked

Of the six attributes in Cyberpunk 2077 Cool perks tend to be the most focused on enhancing stealth combat and V's ability to use Handguns and sniper rifles. The best Cool perks are those that give V the best buffs for these playstyles, or those that unlock access to game-changing sub-perks.

Another benefit of upgrading the Cool tree (and all trees) as much as possible is the expanded dialogue and world interaction options only available at lvl 20. But on the way to maximizing the attribute, prioritize picking up these five best Cool perks over others, where possible, to get the most out of the Cool tree as fast as possible.

Updated November 10, 2023 by Erik Petrovich: This list of the best Cyberpunk 2077 Cool Perks has been updated to reflect the many changes of the 2.0 update, including its nearly complete overhaul of the game's skill and perk system. To help players make the best choices, this guide to the best Cool skills Cyberpunk 2077 players can get offers new recommendations consistent with these changes, and briefly explains the branching sub-perks associated with each parent perk (if applicable).

5 Feline Footwork

Mitigation & Detection Chance, And A Cool Tree Prerequisite

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Feline Footwork
  • Attribute Requirement : Cool lvl 4
  • Other Prerequisites : None

Feline Footwork isn't a perk that will completely revolutionize the way players take on Night City, but it does serve as a prerequisite for later, more powerful perks – and offers some decent sub-perks to empower players while crouched.

Feline Footwork simply increases players' movement speed and Mitigation Chance while crouched by 15% each. A bit faster crouched movement, and taking less damage while crouched, is certainly not bad, but players ought to pick this perk up for its sub-perks and for access to the Ninjutsu perk – which unlocks crouch-sprinting.


  • Blind Spot : Enemies take longer to detect V when crouched, scales based on Mitigation Chance
  • Small Target : 20% higher Mitigation Chance when crouched and motionless
  • Unexposed : 20% higher Mitigation Chance when aiming from behind Cover

4 Focus

No Stamina Cost While Aiming, At First

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Focus
  • Attribute Requirement : Cool lvl 9
  • Other Prerequisites : None

Focus is an incredibly useful Handgun perk that also affects Precision Rifles and Sniper Rifles, two other weapon categories that the Cool attribute tree often encompasses alongside Handguns. At Level 1, Focus increases Headshot and Weak Spot damage, while level 2 unlocks Focus Mode.

If players have a full Stamina bar and aim with a handgun, they activate Focus, which nullifies the Stamina cost of shooting while aiming. However, when the effect ends, V will lose 40 Stamina.


  • Head to Head : Killing enemies with ranged attacks while Focus is active resets its duration
    • Deep Breath : Focus slows time by 25%
  • No Sweat : -50% Stamina cost for Focus for every enemy neutralized while it was active
  • Rinse & Reload : Next reload has +10 Reload Speed after killing an enemy while aiming. Stacks two times, and resets when the player aims
  • Pull! : Enhances V's ability to shoot grenades out of the air during Focus, making them easier to hit alongside a stronger explosion

3 Ninjutsu

Unlocks Crouch-Sprinting And Mitigation Chance Improvements

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Ninjutsu
  • Attribute Requirement : Cool lvl 15
  • Other Prerequisites : Fully upgraded Feline Footwork perk

The Ninjutsu perk is one of the best Cool perks in Cyberpunk 2077 because it turns a stealthy player into one that is as agile in the shadows as in the open. The first and second levels of the Ninjutsu perk increase players' crouched movement speed (when not sprinting) and mitigation chance while crouched. Ninjutsu rank 3 unlocks the ability to crouch-sprint, as well as access to sub-perks.

Some gear, like the Optical Camo cyberware, lets V turn practically invisible for a few moments, while other gear can enhance V's shots and Quickhacks while undetected. Ninjutsu is one of the few that enhance V's ability to move while undetected, letting players complete stealth missions faster and take advantage of sneaky opportunities without worrying about being seen.


  • Creeping Death : When undetected, or when using Optical Camo, neutralizing enemies grants +15% HP, Stamina, and Movement Speed. Lasts six seconds.
    • Vanishing Act : When crouch-sprinting or sliding with Ninjutsu, Optical Camo automatically activates
  • Serpentine : +30% Mitigation Chance when crouch-sprinting
  • Shinobi Sprint : Crouch-sprinting costs 30% less Stamina

2 Style Over Substance

Guaranteed Critical Hits For Throwing Weapons, Sometimes

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Style Over Substance
  • Attribute Requirement : Cool lvl 20
  • Other Prerequisites : Fully upgraded Feline Footwork, Scorpion Sting, and Ninjutsu perks

The Style Over Substance perk is one that benefits throwing weapon builds, and serves as the capstone to the throwing weapon branch of the Cool skill tree. When selected, Style Over Substance makes all throwing weapon attacks guaranteed to be Critical Hits, as long as they are thrown while V is dodging, dashing, sliding, or crouch-sprinting.

The perk also completely eliminates the movement speed penalty that applies when players aim throwing weapons. Though this perk won't apply to every Cool build, it's one that throwing weapon builds should make a beeline for from the start of Cyberpunk 2077.

1 Deadeye

Better Weak Spot & Headshot Damage For Cool Weapons

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Deadeye
  • Attribute Requirement : Cool lvl 15
  • Other Prerequisites : Fully upgraded Focus perk

The Deadeye perk is an incredibly useful one for players who rely on Cool weapons, like Precision Rifles, Handguns, and Sniper Rifles. At level 1, players gain Headshot and Weak Spot damage, and at level 2 shooting with these weapons will cost 25% less Stamina across the board.

At Level 3, the eponymous Deadeye mode unlocks, greatly enhancing Headshot and Weak Spot damage with no bullet spread, but only when players are above 85% Stamina. It's incredibly useful on its own, but the sub-perks that branch off of Deadeye can further empower players during combat with Handguns.


  • California Reaper : 30% Stamina recovery after neutralizing enemies via Headshot or Weak Spot
  • High Noon : During Deadeye, +35% Reload Speed after neutralizing enemies via Headshot or Weak Spot. Time is also slowed 50% during next reload.
  • Long Shot : During Deadeye, V's shots deal full damage no matter the distance (but the target must still be within range)
  • Quick Draw : +30% Weapon Swap Speed when swapping to Pistols, Revolvers, Sniper Rifles, and Precision Rifles. Also recovers 30% Stamina when swapping weapons.
cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

PC, Xbox One, Stadia, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol