When is the next Valorant Night Market (2024)? Dates, schedule & how to get it

Discover incredible skins available for purchase in Valorant’s Night Market, and get all the details on when the upcoming market will be accessible in the game.

Valorant is a beloved FPS from Riot Games, and one of the most celebrated additions to the game has been the Night Market. This is a bi-monthly in-game store that features a random selection of skins that players can buy at a discounted price.

The Market has become an anticipated event for many players around the world, with a lot of folks on the edge of their seats waiting for the new dates and reduced skins to be revealed after a couple of months.

Here’s everything we know about the Night Market in Valorant, including when it’s next available.


Riot Games
What is Valorant’s elusive Night Market?

When is the next Valorant Night Market? Dates & Schedule (2024)

The Episode 8 Act 3 Night Market will begin on January 31, 2024, and will run until February 20, 2024. This means players will get 25 days in total to purchase exquisite cosmetics at jaw-dropping discounts.

Episode 7 Act 3’s Night Market went live at the following times so expect something similar:

  • 8 PM ET / 1 AM BST / 5:30 AM IST / 2 AM CET

Where to get Valorant Night Market

The Night Market can be found in the top right-hand corner of the game’s opening screen when it is available in Valorant. It’s signified by a little card logo that sparkles to catch your attention.

Simply click this icon, and you’ll have access to all discounted goodies. All you have to do is turn over the cards, and that’ll tell you what skin is on offer and the percentage discount.

Additionally, the color of the card’s background and the little shape in the bottom right-hand corner will indicate the tier of skin that this is. Unsure which is which? Check out our Valorant skin guide for further details on skin tiers.

What is the Valorant Night Market?

Riot Games
Your Night Market haul will look like this.

The Valorant Night Market is a rotating store that drops at random in-game once during every Act. Six different gun skins are offered to players at a discounted price. Importantly, the skins are entirely randomized.

However, due to particularly scathing criticisms of the feature‘s first run in December 2020, Riot implemented a Bad Luck Protection guarantee to ensure you don’t leave disappointed.

If you don’t own every Premium Edition skin, you will receive at least two Premium skins in your pool. Additionally, you can no longer get two skins for the same weapon to increase the variety on offer.

Twitter: @PlayVALORANT
Valorant added Bad Luck Protection back in 2021.

Can I reroll my skins?

Once you have rolled a skin in the Night Market, you cannot change them. While this is a feature that fans have been expressing interest in for some time, Riot has not implemented this.

However, now that it’s clear that the feature will be recurring, getting a bad run of skins will be a little less painful than if it was a one-off event.

That’s everything we know about the Night Market in Valorant. For more content on the FPS, check out our guides below:

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