Mastering Multiplayer NPC Control in Baldur's Gate 3: Tips for Engaging Dialogue


  • NPCs controlled by the game's AI will open dialogue for the player in Baldur's Gate 3, while those controlled by other players will not.
  • The game's AI determines when NPCs will open dialogue based on factors such as the player's progress in the game and the NPC's availability.
  • Players can check the game's FAQ or community wiki for information on NPC dialogue and other game mechanics to help them understand why certain NPCs are not opening dialogue for them.

Understanding NPC Dialogue in Baldur's Gate 3

In Baldur's Gate 3, players will encounter a variety of NPCs that they can interact with. Some of these NPCs will open dialogue for the player, while others will say "save it for later". So, what determines which NPCs will open dialogue and which ones will not?

Firstly, it is important to note that NPCs controlled by the game's AI will open dialogue for the player, while those controlled by other players will not. This means that players will only be able to engage in dialogue with NPCs that are controlled by the game itself.

The game's AI determines when NPCs will open dialogue based on various factors, such as the player's progress in the game and the NPC's availability. This means that some NPCs may only become available for dialogue after the player has completed certain quests or reached a certain point in the game.

If a player tries to engage in dialogue with an NPC that is not currently available, they will be told to "save it for later". However, players can try talking to NPCs again later if they are not available at the moment, as their dialogue may change depending on the player's actions.

Finally, players can check the game's FAQ or the community wiki for information on NPC dialogue and other game mechanics. This can be a useful resource for players who are struggling to understand why certain NPCs are not opening dialogue for them.

In conclusion, NPC dialogue in Baldur's Gate 3 is controlled by the game's AI or other players, and the game's AI determines when NPCs will open dialogue. Players can try talking to NPCs again later if they are not available at the moment, and can also check the game's FAQ or the community wiki for information on NPC dialogue and other game mechanics. By understanding how NPC dialogue works in Baldur's Gate 3, players can make the most of their interactions with the game's many NPCs.

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