Multiclassing in tabletop games offers players a wide range of options for character customization, including the ability to combine different classes to create unique playstyles. In the case of the Wizard and Sorcerer multiclass, players must decide on the best split between the two classes and the order in which to level them. This article will explore two possible solutions for this decision and provide guidance on how to choose the best option for your playstyle.
The first solution involves starting with a 11th level Sorcerer and 1st level Wizard. This combination allows players to use both Intelligence and Charisma for spellcasting, with a focus on Intelligence for spellcasting and Charisma for other abilities. This split provides access to a wide range of spells, including exclusive Wizard spells that do not use Intelligence, such as summoning spells. However, it is important to note that the maximum level of spells learned depends on the caster level, not the Wizard level.
The second solution involves experimenting with a 9th level Sorcerer, 2nd level Tempest Cleric, and 1st level Wizard. This combination involves dumping Charisma and focusing on Intelligence to reach a score of 20. This allows for a total of 6 prepared spells, which can be used for all spells that require attack or DC rolls. These spells can be learned from scrolls, which can be collected throughout the game. The Sorcerer will be used for all spells that do not require attack or DC rolls, as well as for Con-saving proficiency. The advantage of this combination over a pure Sorcerer or a Cleric/Sorcerer is access to a higher range of spells and the ability to scale all scrolls and spells from items using Intelligence.
When deciding on the best split and order of leveling between the Wizard and Sorcerer multiclass, players must consider their preferred playstyle and the spells they want to have access to. Both combinations have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the player to decide which one suits them best. For example, the first solution offers a balance between Intelligence and Charisma, while the second solution provides access to a wider range of spells and the ability to scale all scrolls and spells from items using Intelligence.
Ultimately, the decision between the two solutions comes down to personal preference and playstyle. Players should consider their strengths and weaknesses as a player and as a character, as well as the spells they want to be able to use in the game. With careful consideration and planning, players can create a unique and powerful character that suits their playstyle and preferences.
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