Baldur's Gate 3 Mods: Unraveling the Mystery of Cutscene Skipping on Your Steam Deck!


  • Brave adventurers facing cutscene skipping in Baldur's Gate 3 on their Steam Deck can try loading an earlier save or testing if a recent hotfix has resolved the problem.
  • Checking if mods are up to date and compatible with the game can help identify any conflicts causing the cutscene skipping issue.
  • With a bit of detective work and perseverance, adventurers can overcome the frustration of cutscene skipping and enjoy the captivating storyline of Baldur's Gate 3 once again.

Are you a brave adventurer who is facing the frustrating issue of cutscene skipping in Baldur's Gate 3 on your trusty Steam Deck? Fear not, for I am here to guide you through the potential solutions to this conundrum!


One possible solution is to try loading an earlier save. It has been reported by a helpful Reddit user that there was a point where the "game clock" reset to 0 for many mod users. So, if you can find a save where the hours were still accurate, give it a shot. Test if the cutscenes work in that save, and if they do, you can continue your adventure from there. Alternatively, you can try loading your normal, recent save afterwards, and it might miraculously work without losing any game time. Luck may just be on your side!

Another potential solution is to check if a hotfix released on the 9th of the month has addressed the issue. Developers often release patches or hotfixes to quickly resolve problems like this. It's worth checking if this particular hotfix has resolved the cutscene skipping problem. Keep an eye on the game's official forums or social media channels for any updates or announcements regarding this issue.

If the above solutions don't work, it might be worth considering the mods themselves. While mods can enhance your gaming experience, they can also introduce unexpected bugs or conflicts. Double-check if all your mods are up to date and compatible with the latest version of the game. You mentioned using the Bg3 mod manager, which is a great way to manage your mods. However, it's worth verifying if any specific mod is causing the cutscene skipping problem. Try disabling them one by one and testing the game to identify the culprit. It's like playing a game of mod whodunit!

In conclusion, tackling the issue of cutscene skipping in Baldur's Gate 3 on your Steam Deck requires a bit of detective work. Start by trying to load an earlier save or checking if a recent hotfix has resolved the problem. If all else fails, investigate your mods and disable them one by one to find the troublemaker. Remember, every adventurer faces obstacles on their journey, but with a little perseverance and a dash of luck, you'll be back to enjoying the captivating cutscenes of Baldur's Gate 3 in no time!

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