Respawn has pushed out a new Apex Legends update this week, which comes with a number of changes to the battle royale title including RP Value Tuning, a variety of bug fixes, and buffing Peacekeeper. In addition, the update also makes some changes to the Charge Rifle including buffing its ammo capacity, improving the recoil, and increasing its projectile size in close proximity. You can read the full details in the Apex Legends update 23.1 patch notes.
Apex Legends was released for PS4, PC, and Xbox One in February 2019, and remains one of EA’s most profitable releases of the past few years. Respawn has been keeping things ticking over the past five-plus years with frequent updates that includes new events, playable Legends, and quality-of-life improvements.
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Balance updates
Care Package
Gold Weapon Rotation
Ring Lethality
Attachments and more
Accelerated Weapons
NEW Accelerator: stock on the Nemesis Burst AR, G7 Scout, and CAR SMG
Dev Note: We are trying something fresh with this new Hop-Up and adding it to the base of these weapons by default. An ability like increased EVO and Ult charge gains makes the biggest impact when acquired early in a match, so we wanted to try and provide that exciting gameplay without the need to hunt for a rare item.
Arc Star
Dev Note: It can sometimes be difficult to know if you’ve been stuck by an Arc Star in the heat of combat. This messaging should help take the guess work out of making the right play.
Hop Ups
Charge Rifle
Dev Note: The Charge Rifle is an absolute monsoon of a gun in the right hands, but it can be a bit tricky to get the hang of. We are taking a pass at making the Charge Rifle more approachable by increasing magazine capacity, adjusting recoil, lowering the range to get max damage, and adding the Select Fire Hop-Up into the mix.
Dev Note: The Mastiff has proven particularly strong this season and its consistency at range is a big part of that. We are smoothing out some timing issues which allowed niche double Mastiff builds to deal higher than average DPS and pulling some power out of its range by widening the blast pattern and ADS tightening.
Dev Note: When it comes to good range shotguns we want the Peacekeeper’s choked shot to be the main talking point so we’re speeding it up and making the projectiles fly faster. This should drastically improve its performance at range, particularly around hitting moving targets.
Dev Note: The RE-45 has taken a backseat since Akimbo took the stage. This damage bump should help it feel a bit more viable within the current meta.
OLD: Level 3 – Eternal Nexus – Void Nexus no longer times out.
NEW: Level 3 – Multidimensional – Grants a second Void Nexus. Both can exist at the same time.
Dev Note: We have made a small change to allow more flexibility with Alter’s Ult. We have more plans for her in the near future, but wanted to release a small change to see if players find more use with her updated Ult.
OLD: Level 2 – High Value – Increase Tactical height and range.
NEW: Level 2 – Wolf’s Claws – Gain speed boost and faster weapon draw after teleport.
OLD: Level 2 – Market Expansion – Increase Ultimate range by 25%.
NEW: Level 2 – Shopping Spree – Squad can take 3 items from a friendly black market.
OLD: Level 3 – Shopping Spree – Loba can take an extra item from Black Market Boutique.
NEW: Level 3 – Brand New Bag – Squad gains gold backpacks.
OLD: Level 3 – Tactical Upgrade – -5 second tactical cooldown.
NEW: Level 3 – Escape Artist – After teleporting, regen 50 shields. (Damage interrupts.)
Dev Note: Many of Loba’s changes aim to improve some of the cumbersome qualities around her kit and make her abilities more responsive. Her Ult being faster and granting free small meds gives her potency in her support style, while her two Tac charges and faster recovery make her more slippery and evasive. Just as a master thief should be. However, her upgrades are where we believe players can really lean into these two angles depending on their play preference or squad makeup. A more support-focused Loba can keep her team stocked with her improved Shopping Spree and Brand New Bag or she can flex into a more skirmishing style with Wolf’s Claws and Escape Artist. It’s a pretty substantial makeover for Loba and we’re eager to see players strut her onto the podium.
OLD: Level 2 – Battpack – Carry an extra battery per slot. See battery count in Death Boxes.
NEW: Level 2 – Boozle-Eye – Bamboozles now also scan enemies.
OLD: Level 2 – More Me – Extra Clone in Ult. Cooldown reduced by 30s.
NEW: Level 2 – Renaissance Man – Gain access to all class consoles, bins, beacons, and package scans.
Dev Note: Mirage is a much loved Legend who is seen as having too little team utility and too easy to detect amidst his clones. We are aiming to challenge those notions in the sunset of this support season by giving him a “jack-of-all-trades” access to bins and beacons, and more ways to escape with his cloaking abilities. We expect players to find him more useful as squad support and utility flex, and are eager to see some of the really creative ways you can now escape and re-engage. Is the world prepared for this Mirage-a-flage?
Dev Note: Despite a heavy support season, Pathfinder has remained as a highly picked Legend and often the main flex pick of a squad looking for rotations. We’ve pulled back the immediate Ult gains from scanning Care Packages which, alongside his Zipline Zen upgrade, gave him and his team frequent and safer rotations. We have also adjusted his grapple cooldown to encourage players to make more tactical choices with his abilities and seed the way for other Legends to step into his role in different comps.
Launch Royale
Rift Relics Continue
The items available in Rift Relics will be updated regularly, adding an additional weapon to the lineup as well as rotating the available Boost Kits.
Boost Kits
Newly added:
Relic Weapons
Newly added:
Map rotations
Pubs & Ranked
RP Value Tuning
We identified an issue where RP buckets and matchmaking were not fully aligned which led to some unexpected overlaps in ranks during matches. For example, players of similar skill levels could appear in different tiers, creating confusion when higher-tier players showed up in lower-tier matches. We’ve adjusted the system to better align RP buckets with matchmaking to fix this. As part of this adjustment, players will lose less RP and maintain progression closer to what was originally intended. Thank you for your understanding as we continue improving the Ranked experience!
Bug fixes
Quality of life
[Source – Apex Legends Patch Notes]
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