Apex Legends hack update: Respawn adds a layered security

Respawn has rolled out an update in response to the Apex Legends hack incident that took place at the Apex Legends Grand Series Regional Finals.

Apex Legends Shadow Society Event brings various changes and updates to the game, including a new LTM Lockdown and artifact Cobalt Katar. But since the ALGS incident, all eyes have been on Respawn’s next steps to tackle the game’s vulnerable protection against cheats.

On March 20, after the ALGS Regional Finals, Respawn announced that it has deployed “first of a layered series” of updates to protect Apex Legends against malicious actors. However, the players weren’t truly satisfied with the supposed protection. 

“The Ranked situation right now is completely infested with cheaters recently, and it has been pathetic. At least a couple of cheaters every single game are just boosting players.” Apex Legends pro player Imperial Hal posted on X

Now, the developer has set in place another layer of protection to guard the game against hackers like Destroyer 2009. 

Respawn adds layered protection to tackle Apex Legends hacks

Apex Legends Shadow Society Event

On March 27, Respawn rolled out a big patch, which also included a small Apex Legends hack update regarding the ALGS incident. According to the developer, they have strengthened game security to protect it from hackers. 

“We have designed and rolled out layered protections for Apex Legends to help ensure a stable and safe build,” Respawn said. 

More details about this “layered protection” are currently unknown, but its impact will likely be realized over the next few days. 

This Apex Legends hack update is in response to the ALGS incident where Destroyer 2009 provided cheats to renowned pro players in the middle of the Regional Finals. The hacker claims to have done it to bring attention to vulnerability in Apex Legends systems and to have fun. 

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