EA Breaks Silence on Sims 4 Glitches That Can Make Game Borderline Unplayable

EA has said it will address the major, game-breaking glitches in The Sims 4.

The official @TheSims account on X recently posted a letter to the Sims fan community, in which they formally acknowledged the longstanding complaints about technical issues in The Sims 4.

In addition to finally addressing the brokenness of Sims 4 gameplay, the letter shares that The Sims now has a dedicated team working to improve the core game experience. This team will address many reported concerns from players, with the hope of increasing the number of fixes and how often they come out.

The first scheduled fix will go out in May 2024, and additional fixes to reduce the amount of memory the game uses are already in the works.

The list of initial fixes is available on the Sims 4 Laundry List blog post and includes fixes to a variety of bugs including dishes getting ignored by Sims when cleaning and errors with skills randomly changing their level. Most fixes are for the base game, but there are a handful of patches for many recent Sims 4 DLC in the planned update as well.

The overall response from Sims 4 fans is cautiously optimistic, with many thanking the team for finally acknowledging all the issues and glitches and doing something to address them.

There are many thank yous and expressions of appreciation for what seems like a big shift in tone from the team behind The Sims. Of course, many are also still waiting to see if this first promised patch does what it claims it will before fully hopping on board with their praise.

The exact date for this initial patch from the new, dedicated team hasn’t been confirmed but will likely come in the next week or so given the “late May 2024” timeline.
