Sons of the Forest Keys: To Autosave or Not to Autosave, That is the Question


  • Sons of the Forest is an adrenaline-fueled game where crashes can erase hours of progress, creating a frustrating conundrum for players like Crash Test Dummy.
  • The implementation of an autosave feature triggered after obtaining key items could alleviate the issue, preventing players from losing progress and addressing item duplication bugs.
  • While some argue that the absence of autosave adds challenge and realism, others believe it is time for the developers to consider implementing an autosave feature to balance frustration and enhance the gameplay experience.

Welcome to the thrilling world of Sons of the Forest, where danger lurks around every corner and crashes can send your heart racing faster than a sprinting cheetah. In this adrenaline-fueled game, our intrepid hero, Crash Test Dummy, faces a frustrating conundrum - the lack of an autosave feature. Brace yourself as we delve into the chaotic realm where progress is a precious commodity and surviving the unknown is a true test of skill.


Picture this: Crash Test Dummy and his band of fearless companions have embarked on countless expeditions, only to be plagued by crashes more frequently than a clumsy toddler on a sugar rush. To make matters worse, the game doesn't save progress automatically unless manually initiated. Imagine venturing deep into a treacherous cave, battling enemies left and right, only to be confronted with a sudden crash that obliterates hours of hard-earned progress. It's enough to make even the most seasoned adventurer shed a tear.

So, what can be done to alleviate Crash Test Dummy's predicament? One potential solution is the implementation of an autosave feature triggered after obtaining crucial key items, especially those acquired after arduous dungeon crawls. This would prevent players from losing their progress in the event of a crash. Imagine the relief as Crash Test Dummy emerges victorious from the depths of a perilous cave, clutching a rare artifact, only to be greeted by the dreaded beeping noise of a point of interest, followed by a crash that erases all his achievements. It's a heart-wrenching scenario that an autosave feature could easily remedy.

Furthermore, an autosave feature could potentially address the item duplication bug that plagues the game. By periodically saving the game, players would no longer need to resort to the tedious process of placing supplies in holders, saving, quitting the server, and rejoining just to duplicate items. This loophole could be swiftly closed with the introduction of autosaving, providing a more balanced and fair gameplay experience for all.

However, not everyone is convinced that an autosave feature is the answer. Some players argue that in a survival game like Sons of the Forest, the absence of autosave adds an extra layer of challenge and realism. They believe that the risk of losing progress due to crashes or other unforeseen circumstances is part of the thrill, forcing players to be more cautious and strategic in their gameplay. These players suggest relying on manual saving and utilizing tarps to save progress frequently, adding an element of strategy and resource management to the game.

Ultimately, the decision to implement an autosave feature in Sons of the Forest rests in the hands of the developers. They must carefully weigh the pros and cons, considering the frustration caused by crashes and lost progress, as well as the desire of some players for a more hardcore survival experience. Only time will tell if Crash Test Dummy and his fellow adventurers will be granted the gift of automatic progress-saving or if they'll continue to rely on their trusty tarps and quick reflexes to survive the untamed wilderness.

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