Sons of the Forest: Crashing Woes? Fear Not, We've Got Solutions!


  • Despite trying various methods like downgrading Adrenaline and tweaking virtual memory, a player is still plagued by frequent crashes while playing Sons of the Forest on Steam, especially during multiplayer sessions.
  • Possible solutions to address the crashing issue include restarting the server if hosting multiplayer, lowering the clock speed of RAM, and testing a different GPU to rule out hardware problems.
  • Troubleshooting can be a trial-and-error process, but with persistence and experimentation, gamers can banish the crashing demons and enjoy a crash-free Sons of the Forest experience.

Oh, the Sons of the Forest crashing conundrum! A player is experiencing frequent crashes while playing this game on Steam, and they've tried everything from downgrading their Adrenaline version to tweaking their virtual memory. But alas, the crashes persist, especially during multiplayer sessions. Now they've turned to the internet for help. So, fellow gamers, let's dive into this issue and see if we can find a solution to save our poor player from the clutches of crashing despair!


Now, let's take a look at the methods our desperate player has already tried. They've downgraded their Adrenaline version to 23.2.1, lowered their graphics settings to the lowest possible, used some command prompt wizardry to fix virtual memory issues, and even verified the integrity of their game files. But despite their valiant efforts, the crashes continue to haunt them like a persistent ghost.

But fear not, for I have some potential solutions up my sleeve that might just save the day! Firstly, let's address the multiplayer crashes. As some wise souls in the comments have pointed out, multiplayer crashes can often be attributed to internet or server problems. If you're hosting the server, try restarting it to free up some precious RAM. If you're playing on someone else's server, well, you might just have to cross your fingers and hope for the best. Sometimes, the number of entities on the map can overload the server, causing it to crash. So, keep your multiplayer adventures in check and don't go overboard with the chaos!

Now, onto the troubleshooting methods. One player mentioned that they managed to solve their crashing issues by lowering the clock speed of their RAM. Disabling XMP in the BIOS and setting the maximum MHz for your RAM sticks might just do the trick. It worked wonders for them, reducing crashes from every hour to once a week. So, give it a shot and see if it brings stability to your gaming sessions.

Another player shared their tale of component woes. They experienced crashes not only in Sons of the Forest but in other games as well. After replacing their CPU, upgrading their RAM, and even getting a new PSU, the crashes persisted. It wasn't until they borrowed a different GPU, specifically an RX 580, that the crashes finally ceased. They eventually sold their troublesome 6600XT and opted for a 1080, which proved to be crash-free bliss. So, if you suspect that your GPU might be the culprit, consider testing a different one to see if the crashes magically disappear.

Now, my dear gamers, armed with these potential solutions, it's time for you to embark on your own journey to banish those crashing demons from your Sons of the Forest experience. Remember, troubleshooting can be a trial-and-error process, so don't lose hope if the first attempt doesn't yield success. Keep exploring and experimenting, and may your gaming adventures be crash-free and filled with joy!

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