Sons of the Forest Cheats: Banishing the Kelvins - A Guide to Cleansing Your Pixelated Plague


  • Accidentally unleashed a horde of Kelvins using cheats? Fear not, for the trusty "removedead" command is like waving a magic wand and making those pesky creatures disappear into thin air.
  • To ensure a Kelvin-free map, save your game, exit to the main menu, and then load back into your save to witness the cleansing power of the "removedead" command.
  • While the solution may not work for everyone, it's worth a try when faced with accidentally spawning an army of Kelvins - just remember to tread carefully in the realm of cheats.

So, you've found yourself in a bit of a pickle, haven't you? Accidentally unleashed a horde of Kelvins using cheats, and now your once pristine map is overrun with these pesky creatures. But fear not, for I am here to guide you through the process of exterminating them and restoring order to your virtual world.


One helpful commenter suggests using the trusty "removedead" command to make those Kelvin corpses disappear. It's like waving a magic wand and watching as the bodies vanish into thin air. Simply open up your console, type in "removedead," and witness the power of this command in action. But wait, we're not done yet!

To ensure that the changes stick and your map remains Kelvin-free, you'll need to take a couple of extra steps. First, save your game to preserve your progress. Then, exit to the main menu to give the game a fresh start. Finally, load back into your save, and voila! Your map should now be cleansed of all those pesky 'K's that were haunting you.

Now, it's important to note that this solution may not work for everyone. As another commenter points out, they've tried to add more Kelvins using cheats and it didn't work for them. So, keep in mind that your mileage may vary when it comes to tinkering with the game's inner workings.

In conclusion, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you've accidentally spawned an army of Kelvins and want to remove them, the "removedead" command combined with a save and reload should do the trick. Just remember to tread carefully in the realm of cheats, my friend, for they can be a double-edged sword. Happy cleansing, and may your virtual world be forever Kelvin-free!

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