Golden Armor Sons of the Forest: Shotguns Galore - How to Double Your Firepower in Sons of the Forest


  • "Golden Armor Sons of the Forest" offers multiple solutions for players seeking additional shotguns, including a magical respawn, clever maneuvering, and the option to display shotguns on weapon racks for a secret stash.
  • Players can choose whether to share the initial shotgun with the character Virginia for infinite ammo or keep it for themselves, adding a unique twist to the gameplay experience.
  • With the various methods available, players can ensure they always have a powerful shotgun by their side as they navigate the thrilling challenges of the game.

In the captivating world of "Golden Armor Sons of the Forest," players are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their gameplay. One question that has been on the minds of many is whether there are multiple locations to find shotguns. The initial shotgun can be given to the character Virginia for infinite ammo, but players find themselves torn between sharing or keeping it for themselves. Fortunately, there are a few solutions to this conundrum, each offering a unique twist to the gameplay experience.


The first solution involves a bit of magic and resourcefulness. Initially, there used to be a second shotgun spawn, but the developers decided to remove it. However, all hope is not lost. By saving your game, exiting, and rejoining, you can reset the game and dig up the shotgun from the same grave where you found it initially. It's as if the shotgun has reappeared, as if by magic, just for you.

If you're feeling generous and decide to give the shotgun to Virginia for infinite ammo, you can still have your own personal shotgun. This second solution requires a bit of clever maneuvering. Simply save your game, log out, and reload. Then, head back to the original location where you found the shotgun and pick up another one. It's like having your cake and eating it too, except in this case, your cake is a powerful weapon.

For players who prefer a more organized approach, the third solution offers an interesting twist. By placing your shotgun on a weapon rack, you can create a sense of order and security. Once the shotgun is securely displayed, save your game, log out, and reload. Miraculously, another shotgun will be waiting for you at the original location where you first found it. It's like having a secret stash of shotguns hidden away, just in case.

So, fear not, fellow players! In "Golden Armor Sons of the Forest," there are multiple ways to acquire another shotgun. Whether you choose to dig it up from the same grave, retrieve it from the original location after giving it to Virginia, or even have multiple shotguns stashed away on weapon racks, the choice is yours. Embrace the thrill of the hunt, and may your shotgun always be at your side as you navigate the challenges of this captivating game. Happy gaming!

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