Control Map Pool and Best Heroes

Overwatch 2 - List of Control Maps
In Overwatch 2's Control maps, two teams fight to secure and hold the central control point until their meter reaches 100%. Read on to see a list of all Control maps, the best heroes to play in Control, and the game mode's mechanics.

List of Control Maps

All Control Maps

OasisOasis Lijiang TowerLijiang Tower
IliosIlios BusanBusan

Best Control Heroes

Best Control Team

Best Tank
Overwatch 2 - Sigma
Best DPS
Overwatch 2 - Reaper Overwatch 2 - Tracer
Best Supports
Overwatch 2 - Lúcio Overwatch 2 - Mercy

Criteria Explanation
Map-specific Potential One of the primary factors we considered was the team's capability and strength in Control maps. We formulated this team around Heroes that excel in middle and close-range firefights and pushing and defending control points.
Team Synergy Another major factor we considered when creating this team composition is how well each Hero synergizes with their allies. We mainly chose Heroes that cover up their allies' weaknesses and have powerful ability combos.
Mobility Reaching and securing the control point first is crucial in Control, which is why we also heavily prioritized mobility in our team composition.

These four factors were considered in the context of Competitive 5v5 Play.

Team Explanation

In general, Control maps have compact rooms and hallways, ample natural cover, and an increased number of environmental hazards. Heroes that can use these characteristics to their strength are more potent in this game mode.

Sigma is an excellent Tank in Control maps as his kit strikes a good balance between offense and defense, able to disrupt teams with Accretion and Gravitic Flux and hold down control points with Experimental Barrier and Kinetic Grasp.

Reaper thrives in Control due to his insane close-range damage output and ability to take advantage of flanking routes and enclosed spaces. His Hellfire Shotguns excel in close-range engagements, taking down crucial enemy targets with a few well-placed shots. Reaper's Wraith Form and Shadow Step are also potent in Control maps, allowing him to engage from multiple angles and retreat toward numerous forms of cover. Lastly, his Death Blossom tears through teams of enemies, giving him a way to dispatch attacking and defending enemy teams on his own.

Tracer is one of the most potent flanking Heroes in Control due to her high mobility and evasion. Tracer maintains a high damage uptime by being able to rapidly rotate between combat and cover with Blink and Recall, especially with Control maps having shorter flanking routes and a tighter spread of Health Pack locations.

Mercy's incredible teammate-to-teammate mobility and single-target support potential make her a great pick for Control maps. While her primary role is to provide Reaper with healing and damage boosts, she can quickly reach other teammates with Guardian Angel and turn around losing fights with a crucial Resurrect.

Lúcio offers amazing utility and survivability for his teammates in Control maps. His Speed Boost is incredibly effective in this game mode as it lets his team secure positioning around the control point and return to the fray faster. Sound Barrier's massive temporary health boost allows Lúcio to support his team when pushing toward the control point or save them from deadly enemy ultimates. Lastly, his Soundwave is excellent for pushing foes away from the point and shoving enemies toward environmental hazards.

Alternatives (Situational Picks)

Tank Damage Support
Overwatch 2 - Doomfist Overwatch 2 - Orisa Overwatch 2 - Reinhardt Overwatch 2 - Roadhog
Overwatch 2 - Cassidy Overwatch 2 - Junkrat Overwatch 2 - Mei Overwatch 2 - Pharah
Overwatch 2 - Baptiste Overwatch 2 - Brigitte

Alternative Tanks

  • Doomfist and Roadhog: These two can work as alternative Tanks in offense-focused teams, as they both excel in disrupting the enemy team and singling-out vital enemy targets. Roadhog picks apart teams with his Chain Hook and Whole Hog, while Doomfist beats foes down with his Rocket Punch and Meteor Strike.
  • Reinhardt: Reinhardt fits better in defensive and poke-oriented teams due to his massive Barrier Field and high-damage Fire Strikes. His Charge and Earthshatter are also potent crowd-control abilities in Control maps due to their narrow rooms and hallways.
  • Orisa: For those who don't prefer using Sigma, Orisa is another well-rounded Tank that excels in both offense and defense. Her Fortify and Javelin Spin provide her with a high amount of survivability, allowing her to push and defend control points with ease. In addition, her Terra Surge can make short work of enemy teams that stick too close together.

Alternative Damage

  • Cassidy: Cassidy can work in place of Reaper as the team's frontline Damage Hero. With Control maps being suited for medium and close-range firefights, he can make short work of most foes with his Peacekeeper and Tactical Grenade. Each Control map's abundant amount of flanking routes also allow Cassidy to set up his Deadeye easier.
  • Junkrat: Junkrat is another alternative due to his strong area of effect damage and area control with each of his abilities. Frag Launcher allows him to bombard grenades from or toward the control point, and his Rip-Tire excels at clearing out groups of enemies in tight areas and corridors. Concussion Mine and Steel Trap are also versatile area denial tools that Junkrat can use to defend the control point.
  • Mei: Mei can work in place of Tracer as the team's flanking Damage Hero. Control's shorter flanking routes cover up her low mobility and allow her to have an easier time using her Endothermic Blaster and Blizzard. In addition, her Ice Wall is one of the best area denial tools in the game, allowing her to completely block sightlines and pathways from the enemy team.
  • Pharah: In Control Maps with ample verticality and against team compositions without much hitscan or crowd control, Pharah can be an excellent alternative frontline Damage Hero. Coupled with her aerial mobility, Pharah's Rocket Launcher and Barrage lets her take down grouped-up enemies and hold down choke points easily. In addition, her Concussive Blast allows her to break enemy formations and shove foes toward environmental hazards.

Alternative Supports

  • Baptiste: Baptiste works well as an alternative Support for team compositions that prefer plenty of area of effect healing due to his Biotic Launcher and Regenerative Burst. His Immortality Field and Amplification Matrix are also potent in Control maps as they allow Baptiste's allies to attack and defend control points more effectively.
  • Brigitte: Brigitte is another great alternative Support as the tight spaces of Control maps make it easier for her to maintain her offense and Inspire activations. Rally is also a strong ultimate for defending and attacking control points, allowing Brigitte to move around faster while providing temporary health to her allies. In addition, Brigitte can take advantage of environmental hazards with her high-knockback Whip Shot and Shield Bash.

Control Map Mechanics and Features

Control the Capture Point

Control Mode Busan Overwatch 2
Control maps in Overwatch 2 feature one capture point, which is randomly determined from 3 potential capture points in each round. This capture point unlocks 30 seconds into the round. When a team captures an uncontested capture point, their percentage score begins to gradually increase.

This is boosted with more players occupying the control point, reaching the maximum percentage increase speed with 3 players from a team occupying simultaneously.

Timer and Point Rules

Matches Are Not Time-Based

In Control Mode, there is no time limit. The winning team is determined once their control point percentage reaches 100%.

Overtime Mechanics

If a team reaches 99% and a player fom the opposing team enters the capture point, Overtime is activated. During Overtime, as long as an opposing player is in the control point, it will not start to count down.

Once all opposing players have been cleared out, the count-down begins. This count-down is shortened the longer that overtime persists. If control of the control point is lost to the opposing team during overtime, overtime resets and the match continues.

Match Formats

Best of 3 in Competitive and Casual Play

Each Control game is played under a Best of 3 format, where the winner per round is immediately declared once a team's percentage reaches 100%.

How to Play and Tips

Don't go Immediately to the Point

The Control Point will only unlock after a few seconds. It's best to focus on the enemy team first, to try and get a kill before capturing the point.

Have a Lucio

Holding Objectives is one of the Lucio's greatest strengths. In particular, Wall Ride ability allows him to avoid attacks in enclosed spaces.

Many Control Maps are also located alongside ledges. Use Lucio's alternate attack to get easy kills.

Push the Enemy Team to a Chokepoint

After gaining control of the point, instead of staying on the point itself, move up to a chokepoint that will make it hard for the enemy team to go through.

These chokepoints are usually entrances to the main area and have little to no flanking spots.

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